by Eloy Moreno
The problem of finding the truth is not knowing what to do with it. A story that will change the way we see the world. A bestselling author who touches the most sensitive nerves.
A group of people live together in a nameless place. Why are they there? How did they get there? And above all, who are they? Or who have they become? We know nothing about them. Just what their actions tell us. In a lawless world, where everything that made up society has disappeared, what is left of us? A story full of unknowns, of big questions about the world we live our lives in, that asks us if the things we think are important really are. The author’s major themes are feelings, absurdity, society, and the importance of following our dreams.
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Author Biography
SPAIN / Eloy Moreno (Castellón, 1976) self-published his first novel, El bolígrafo de gel verde, which has sold more than 200.000 copies across the world and has won numerous awards. El regalo has received a great response in sales and by critics after its launching, both in Spanish and Italian.
Copyright Information
©2020, Eloy Moreno
©2020, Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial S.A.S
PRH Grupo Editorial is an industry leader in publishing and distribution in the Spanish language. Our objective is the publishing of books for all types of readers, for all ages and across all formats - be it print, digital or audio.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher/Imprint Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial / Ediciones B
- Publication Date February 2020
- Orginal LanguageSpanish
- ISBN/Identifier 9788466664745
- Publication Country or regionSpain
- FormatHardback
- Primary Price 19.90 EUR
- Pages544
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleTierra
- Original Language AuthorsEloy Moreno
- EditionFirst
- Copyright Year2020
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