Desert World: Book OneBeing condemned to slavery is a common enough occurrence on the desert planet of Livre, but this time, priest Shan Polli is determined to prevent the corrupt, soul-eating system from destroying one more life. Temar Grazer was sentenced for what amounted to a criminal prank—but Shan soon finds that the dangers extend far beyond Temar’s crime.Caught between guilt and hope, Shan must find his true path in either the priesthood or in a man whose strength and survival defies the odds. Can the two men unravel a plot that threatens the entire world before Temar is broken by a system of slavery that has twisted out of control? ;
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Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Dreamspinner Press
- Publication Date September 2011
- Orginal Language English
- ISBN/Identifier 9781613721575
- Primary Price 6.99 USD
- Pages240
- ReadershipGeneral/trade
- Publish StatusOut-Of-Copyright
- SeriesDesert World
- Reference Codecom.dreamspinnerpress.onix.978-1-61372-157-5
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