Der menschliche Faktor oder worauf es im Berufsleben ankommt
55 verhaltensökonomische Erkenntnisse
by Sutter, Matthias
What makes my counterpart tick?
In professional life, it is crucial to be able to "get along" with other people and to know their typical behavior. This applies at all hierarchical levels and in all areas of cooperation and is the basis for personal and entrepreneurial success.
This book presents current behavioral economics findings in order to better understand the "human factor" in professional life and to enable successful cooperation. It provides a comprehensive perspective on the "big picture" by analyzing what makes people "tick", how they react to incentives (monetary or non-monetary) and what this means for working together - or against each other - at work.
Modern behavioral economics research is better suited than any other field of research to investigate these questions and provide answers. The author, one of the most influential economists in Germany according to the FAZ ranking, has been conducting research in the field of behavioral economics for 20 years and takes you on a journey to find out which factors are important for professional success from career entry to management positions.
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- Publisher Carl Hanser Verlag
- Publication Date June 2023
- ISBN/Identifier 9783446478640
- FormatHardback
- Primary Price 29.99 EUR
- Pages316
- Publish StatusPublished
- Edition2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage
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