by Luis Sagasti
Few Argentinian authors narrate in the interstice of speculative fiction and essay, between story and aesthetics. Luis Sagasti is a ferocious reader and demonstrates his sophisticated ear without resorting to solemnity or shouting, adept at finding the threads that secretly bind John Cage, the Beatles, Picasso, Ariana Harwicz, and César Aira. Cybertlön is a lucid essay about the state of contemporary art and the emergence of the cyberflâneur: a landlubber who surfs the web and reflects on the wreckage of his experience. But as a boy, Sagasti learned to travel much earlier, like so many of his generation, by browsing the massive and unpretentious I Know Everything encyclopedia from Larousse, a compendium of the world in 12 volumes, with no clear logic or order. From those first readings and his democratic and unbiased attention to the world, Sagasti builds his own Aleph.
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Soon to be published by Komorebi (Chile).
Fermín Rodríguez: “What are these hybrid artifacts from Sagasti –which are so difficult to place within one genre–made from if not a proliferating series of a mobile network of references and allusions that connect the literary tradition with other cultural discourses, but at the slow pace of a cyberflâneur who even when switching between formats does not sacrifice the speed of reading written language?”
Author Biography
Luis Sagasti was born in Bahía Blanca, Argentina in 1963. He’s a teacher, art critic, and writer. He’s published the novels Leyden Ltd. (2019), Una ofrenda musical (2017), Maelstrom (2015), Bellas Artes (2011), Los mares de la luna (2006), and El canon de Leipzig (1999). He’s also published the illustrated story El arte de la fuga (2016) and the essay collection Perdídos en el espacio (2011). He’s translated from English and French and was an honorable mention for the 2014 National Literature Prize.
Copyright Information
© Tenemos las Máquinas, 2018
© Luis Sagasti, 2018
Tenemos las Maquinas
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher Tenemos las Máquinas
- Publication Date August 2018
- Orginal LanguageSpanish
- ISBN/Identifier 9789873633201
- Publication Country or regionArgentina
- FormatPaperback
- Pages79
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Edition2
- Copyright Year2018
- Dimensions19x12 cm