The world is drowning...
Fifteen-year-old Red Evans is a water baby, born after The Floods submerged all but a tiny chain of islands. Her bleak life in the government-run Estates when her father is killed in an explosion at his research lab.
Convinced her father was murdered, and desperate for answers, Red and best friend Farla search for her father's Doc Box, a box of personal effects that is mysteriously missing from its secure storage location.
As the water rises two powerful leaders with opposing views on how to save the population battle for control.
The only thing they agree on is their opposition of the rebel Outsiders. Does salavtion lie on a newly discovered planet, or somewhere much closer to home?
Surrounded by secrets and betrayal, Red must uncover the truth. Fighting for survival on a doomed island, she must find out what her father knew that could have gotten him killed. With smart courageous Hayden by her side, the teenagers are swept up in riots, rumours and civil unrest.
As their world slips away, unsure who they can trust, they discover a stunning political plot that could save the last remaining people on earth... Or destroy them all.
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Rights Information
Rights already sold - Worldwide English rights to digital, trade paperback and audio.
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Limitless LLC
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- FormatEbook
- ReadershipTeenage/Young Adult
- Publish StatusPublished
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