Chronicle of a Blood Merchant
by YU Hua
One of the last decade's ten most influential books in China, this internationally acclaimed novel by one of the mainland's most important contemporary writers provides an unflinching portrait of life under Chairman Mao. A cart-pusher in a silk mill, XU Sanguan augments his meager salary with regular visits to the local blood chief. His visits become lethally frequent as he struggles to provide for his wife and three sons at the height of the Cultural Revolution. Shattered to discover that his favorite son was actually born of a liaison between his wife and a neighbor, he suffers his greatest indignity, while his wife is publicly scorned as a prostitute. Although the poverty and betrayals of Mao's regime have drained him, XU Sanguan ultimately finds strength in the blood ties of his family. With rare emotional intensity, grippingly raw description of place and time, and clear-eyed compassion, YU Hua gives us a stunning tapestry of human life in the grave particulars of one man's days.
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Rights Information
English translation manuscript available! Rights sold: English (Anchor), German (Klett-Cotta), French (Actes Sud), Spanish (Seix Barral), Portugues (Relogio D’Agua Editores), Swedish (Bokstugan Wanzhi), Turkish (Jaguar KITAP), Arabic (Wisdom House), Indonesian (PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama). Rights available: Croatian, Finnish, Greek, Hebrews, Hungarian, Norwegian, Polish.
Author Biography
YU Hua is a prominent Chinese author, born April 3, 1960 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. He grew up during the Cultural Revolution and many of his stories and novels are marked by this experience. One of the distinctive characteristics of his work is his penchant for detailed descriptions of brutal violence. YU Hua's awards and honors include: Grinzane Cavour Prize(1998), James Joyce Award(2002, the first Chinese writer to receive this award), Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of France(2004), Giuseppe Acerbi Literary International Prize (2014) and Prix Courrier International (2008).
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Yilin Press
- Publication Date September 2012
- Orginal LanguageChinese simplified
- ISBN/Identifier 9787506365680
- Publication Country or regionChina
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 24 CNY
- Pages264
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Copyright Year2012
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