Chico Mendes, Updated Edition

by Alexa Gordon Murphy


The life of Chico Mendes is the story of a humble rubber tapper who became an international hero because of his work to save the rain forest and improve the lives of those who have made a living caring for and working on it for generations. As a rubber tapper in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil, Mendes saw firsthand the problems caused by cattle ranchers buying large plots of land and burning the forest for their own commercial needs. He dedicated his life to teaching the world what was happening to this treasured natural resource and leading his fellow rubber tappers in a movement to save the forest—and their livelihood. Chico Mendes, Updated Edition explores the life, work, and legacy of a dedicated hero in the conservation movement.

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  • Publisher/Imprint Infobase / Chelsea House
  • Publication Date January 2020
  • Orginal LanguageEnglish
  • ISBN/Identifier 9781438198088
  • Primary Price 45 USD
  • ReadershipPrimary and Secondary Education
  • Publish StatusPublished
  • SeriesConservation Heroes

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