Bücherfresser und Dachbodenspuk

by Cornelia Funke


Book Cruncher and Attic Hauntings

Loewe WOW – A New Way of Storytelling!

• 5 stories narrated by Cornelia Funke (“A magician of words“)
• Illustrated in full colour by Daniela Kohl
• Innovative 90:10 picture-text ratio
• Text in English available

In attics there is only old stuff, dust and cobwebs? Far from it: there are Book Crunchers and many more ghosts waiting for the next adventure ... In her popular style of writing, Cornelia Funke leads her readers into a magic land of stories in which little bookworms, attic ghosts and various other heroes live. Imagine the story of Sten, the boy who doesn’t really like to read. On the attic he finds his grandfather’s old books – all dusty, but reminding him of his grandpa – and there is the funny looking little creature that comes out of an old box: a Book Cruncher (a friendly creature that looks like a mixture between a cat and a guinea pig). It is very hungry and starts eating the books right away, and the good thing is: it tells Sten about all the yummy adventure stories and the exiting thrillers it has eaten.

Daniela Kohl has illustrated five popular stories by Cornelia Funke in a completely new and modern way - fans and new readers can easily dive in!


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Loewe WOW!

We want kids to open the books and say: "Wow! I want to read that." 90% illustration and 10% text add up to 100% Wow!

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Bibliographic Information

  • Publication Date July 2022
  • ISBN/Identifier 9783743206175
  • Pages128
  • Publish StatusPublished

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