Peace studies & conflict resolution
There are few viable options for resolving Afghanistan’s conflict other than an inclusive peace process between the Afghan government and the Taliban. Momentum toward this goal must be maintained following the “Heart of Asia” Ministerial Conference on December 9, 2015, where Afghan, Pakistani, and U.S. officials renewed their commitment to resuming dialogue. This brief discusses three key concerns that need to be addressed to effectively move the peace process forward and achieve a near-term cease-fire.
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Author Biography
Moeed Yusuf is the director of USIP’s South Asia programs.
United States Institute of Peace
The United States Insitute of Peace was created by the US congress as a federally funded press creating works to prevent and resolve global conflict by providing education and resources to work towards peace.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publication Date December 2015
- ISBN/Identifier 9781601273369
- Pages4
- ReadershipProfessional and Scholarly
- Publish StatusPublished
- SeriesPeace Brief
- Series Part198
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