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      • University of Regina Press

        University of Regina Press is located on Treaty 4 Territory, the traditional lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, and Assiniboine, and the homelands of the Métis. A little house on the prairie with big ambitions, University of Regina Press (URP) publishes books that matter--in both academic and trade formats. Our non-fiction trade books tend towards the hard-hitting, while most of our scholarly titles are accessible to non-specialists. We endeavour to develop writers into public intellectuals, encourage debate, and inspire young people to study the humanities by publishing books that are both seen and relevant.  Since our launch in 2013, University of Regina Press has published seven national bestsellers:  After the War: Surviving PTSD and Changing Mental Health Culture by Stéphane Grenier, with Adam Montgomery (2018) Speaking in Cod Tongues: A Culinary Journey by Lenore Newman (2017) Firewater: How Alcohol Is Killing My People (And Yours) by Harold Johnson (2016) Otto & Daria: A Wartime Journey into No Man's Land by Eric Koch (2016) The Education of Augie Merasty: A Residential School Memoir by Joseph Auguste Merasty, with David Carpenter (2015) Children of the Broken Treaty by Charlie Angus (2015) Clearing the Plains by James Daschuk (2014)

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      • Compañía Naviera Ilimitada editores

        COMPAÑÍA NAVIERA UNLIMITADA editores is an independent Argentine publishing house founded in June 2018 and based in the city of Buenos Aires. We are dedicated to fiction and non-fiction in Spanish and translated, mainly contemporary. Our catalog combines the work of established authors with that of new voices. We are interested in books that, regardless of when they were written, have something to say to today's reader. Several of our titles already have more than one edition. We have regular distribution in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Peru. In 2021 we will start publishing and distributing in Spain and we will strengthen sales to the rest of the Latin American countries.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2023

        Daisy Haites - The Great Undoing

        by Hastings, Jessa

        Übersetzt von Kristina Koblischke, Regina Jooß und Nora Petroll

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        From Jack Tar to Union Jack

        Representing naval manhood in the British Empire, 1870–1918

        by Mary A. Conley

        Jack Tar to Union Jack examines the intersection between empire, navy, and manhood in British society from 1870 to 1918. Through analysis of sources that include courts-martial cases, sailors' own writings, and the HMS Pinafore, Conley charts new depictions of naval manhood during the Age of Empire, a period which witnessed the radical transformation of the navy, the intensification of imperial competition, the democratisation of British society, and the advent of mass culture. Jack Tar to Union Jack argues that popular representations of naval men increasingly reflected and informed imperial masculine ideals in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Conley shows how the British Bluejacket as both patriotic defender and dutiful husband and father stood in sharp contrast to the stereotypic image of the brave but bawdy tar of the Georgian navy. This book will be essential reading for students of British imperial history, naval and military history, and gender studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        The Mindset Challenge

        For mastery of life and living

        by Kate Munari

        What kind of mindset do you really need to succeed  as a Helicopter Pilot in Afghanistan? Kate Munari really wanted to fly helicopters, and she really wanted to go into a combat zone. What it took to get her there, how she coped with everything from enrolment, to pilot training courses, preparation for deployment to one of the most dangerous places in the world, for anyone to be in 2008. Three successful tours of Afghanistan was the highlight of a 17 year career as a helicopter pilot for Kate, and she shares her stories to inspire anyone wanting to know more about the mindsets she employed during that time, and for her life in general. It’s a riviting tale of determination, courage, and ambition. Her personal stories include insights into:  12 hours per day transporting troop in Helmand Province while being shot at. Advanced training and formation flying that will leave you breathless. Flying under extreme pressure in various parts of the world. Enounters with Royalty, Tribal Chief's, and Interrogators.  This book is perfectly targeted at Leaders who are either in business or running teams of any size in any industry, based on Kate's development and insights as a military person. It is also ideally targeted at young women - 15-30 years of age who want to be inspired to either join up, punch well above their weight in any career path, and navigate a journey into what's truly possible for women any where in the world, in any industry based on a resilience and capability focused mindset.   As a full time presenter, Kate speaks to audiences throughout Australia and New Zealand about her perspectives on leadership borne out of her experiences both in the Navy and as a civilian. Her book is due for release in 2024.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        April 2013

        Die 'Passion-Betrachtungen' der Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg

        im Rahmen ihres Lebenslaufes und ihrer Frömmigkeit

        by Koch, Traugott

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        November 2007

        »in Gefahr gewesen ... und bis ans Ende gegangen«

        Rilke als Mentor junger Künstlerinnen

        by Tina Simon

        »Kunstdinge sind ja immer Ergebnisse des In-Gefahr-gewesen-Seins, des in einer Erfahrung Bis-ans-Ende-gegangen-Seins, bis wo kein Mensch mehr weiter kann.« (Rilke an seine Frau Clara am 24. Juni 1907) Rainer Maria Rilke stand mit vielen jungen Frauen in Kontakt, die seinen Rat als Künstler suchten: Schriftstellerinnen wie Regina Ullmann und Annette Kolb, bildende Künstlerinnen wie Paula Becker und Rilkes spätere Frau Clara Westhoff, darunter aber auch die angehende Schauspielerin Annette de Vries-Hummes.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        Die schönsten Weihnachtsgeschichten für Kinder

        by Christiane Schwabbaur

        Zauberhafte Weihnachten – jedes Jahr aufs Neue beglückt uns das Fest der Liebe. Es ist eine aufregende, unvergleichliche Zeit der gespannten Erwartung, der Ungeduld und Sehnsucht – vor allem für Kinder. Die Wunschzettel ist geschrieben, der Adventskalender gefüllt, die Vorbereitungen laufen auf Hochtouren, mit allem, was dazu gehört. Vom Tannenbaum über den Nikolausstiefel und das Aufstellen der Krippe, von Plätzchenduft und Kerzenschein bis hin zu heimlichen Geschenkbesorgungen und überraschenden Gästen. Von der schönsten Zeit des Jahres erzählen die hier versammelten Geschichten und Gedichte und verkürzen die Wartezeit bis zum Fest – für die ganze Familie. Mit Texten von Isabel Abedi, Hans Fallada, Cornelia Funke, Paul Maar, René Goscinny, Jutta Richter, Heinz Janisch, Jörg Zink, Andreas Steinhöfel, Regina Schwarz, Barbara Veit, Friedrich Wolf, Louisa May Alcott, Erich Kästner, Theodor Fontane, Antonie Schneider, John Saxby und vielen anderen.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        August 2006

        Die Tochter

        Das Leben der Martha Fontane

        by Dieterle, Regina

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2009

        Amira, du gehörst zu uns

        Ein Kinderroman zum Thema Abschiebung

        by Rusch, Regina

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1997

        Bioaktive Substanzen: die Gesundmacher in unserer Nahrung

        Heilstoffe und ihre Wirkung, Einkaufstips und Rezepte

        by Naumann, Regina

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1999

        Mehr Zeit für die Familie

        Wie Sie den Alltag richtig organisieren

        by Hilsberg, Regina

      • Trusted Partner

        Das Dorf im Verhör

        Brandstifter, Kindermörderinnen und Wilderer vor den Schranken des bürgerlichen Gerichts Oberbayern 1848-1910

        by Schulte, Regina

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1998

        Wir bekommen ein Kind

        Der Begleiter für Schwangerschaft und Geburt. (Mit Kindern leben)

        by Hilsberg, Regina

      • Trusted Partner

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