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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        I love you…

        by Julien Tănase

        The book "I Love You..." is part of the trilogy..., "I love you, till death..." and "I love you, as long as my heart beats”, autobiographical love novels which include chapters from life in a couple of the writer Julien Tănase and his wife, Magdi, with whom he has been in a relationship for 30 years, all against the background of the events that Romania has gone through in recent decades, after the Revolution of '89. A trilogy about the endurance over time of a young couple in love, who have gone through events that are out of touch with reality in Romania where sleeping with a gun under the pillow, the fear of having their child kidnapped, and even the "wars" waged against the corruption of magistrates, politicians and the information systems of a civil society gripped by the widespread corruption in Romania, including the lawsuit invented by the DNA (National Anticorruption Directorate) to stop his work as a journalist and finally won by the writer, makes the autobiography of writer Julien Tănase a fascinating one that leaves you with a bitter taste in your mouth and a big question mark; ... "such things have happened and continue to happen in Romania"?... The writer Julien Tănase: "A friend in the Italian Police told me, and I quote him: "... if you had done in Italy what you did for your country, today a street would bear your name! But you had been dead!"

      • Trusted Partner
      • Children's & YA
        March 2019

        Fantastickle Friend

        by Alexandra Salmela & Linda Bondestam

        Bean-Bean hates miserable Wednesdays. That is when he has to walk through the park alone, and in the park lurks Toughie.   Today things go very wrong. When Toughie bullies Bean-Bean, her essential device is broken. As a punishment, Bean-Bean’s beloved rag bird Stormbeard gets prisoned in the highest branches of a tree. Luckily, in the bus BeanBean bumps into a lion-maned cheetah, a genuine, living, imaginary friend. Together they hasten to save Strombeard.   The atypical adventure takes the friends into a forest to bounce on a trampoline in the appearance of fantastic fruit, and into the drains where they end up at the mercy of mutant monsters and mammoths.   Alexandra Salmela and Linda Bondestam’s book is a crazy, funny and brilliantly colourful story about the power of the imagination and the courage to be yourself –whether you are a child using words in a funny way, an elephant in mammoth’s clothing or a self-absorbed, constantly blabbering cheetah.

      • Fiction
        October 2018

        La boca del diablo

        by Teo Palacios

        After the Great Army disaster, Baltasar de Zúñiga managed to arrive to Spanish coast accompanied by his escort and partner Juan Lobo. His mission is to inform the king. Only after doing so they will have time to rest. But, as soon as they finally arrived home, Zuñiga will ask Lobo to go on a new errand. He'll have to guard two inquisitors who are in charge of investigating the disappearances of several girls of an small village near Toledo. In that village they'll find a situation far more complex than expected. Quickly enough they'll find out that the whole town has plunged into terror. The locals talk about witches and demons wandering around. Now it will be necessary to find out if Satan himself has come up from the hell to punish men or if what's happening has nothing to do with evil. BIC CODE; FV – FJH – FFH BISAC CODE; FIC014000 FIC022020

      • Children's & YA
        November 2020

        A Dog Called Cat Looking for Home

        A warm-hearted story about three friends whose friendship, fairness and variety make them shine.

        by Tomi Kontio & Elina Warsta

        A dog called Cat, a cat called Dog and a homeless man called Weasel are best friends. They’ve got next to no worldly possessions but their lives are filled with friendship and love towards everyone and everything.   One day at a railway station Cat runs into a small girl who gets worried for the raggedy group of three and asks them whether Cat has no home. When the girl disappears into the crowd, Cat’s heart is filled with longing. Even though she loves roaming freely, winter can be cruel, and the endless wandering tough. She realises she is longing for a safe home.   Weasel says the three are fine as they are, but Cat and Dog disagree. ‘Friendship can’t keep you warm’, Dog meows to Weasel. The group starts to look for a home. Will they find it, or will the underpasses and vestibules be forever their fate?   A Dog Called Cat Looking for a Home is the third book by poet Tomi Kontio and illustrator Elina Warsta, in the series about a dog called Cat. The first instalment, A Dog Called Cat (2015) was nominated fort the Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize and got the IBBY honourable mention. The second one, A Dog Called Cat Meets a Cat (2019) was nominated for the Finlandia Junior prize and was chosen as an audience favourite.

      • Children's & YA
        October 2016

        Animal Scalebook

        The vividly colourful scalebooks put things – and us humans! – in proportion by scaling different animals to everyday objects and distances.

        by Carlos da Cruz

        Carlos da Cruz’s Scalebooks are inspiring children’s science books about the amazing size of animals. Some creatures make human beings feel like giants, others like Tom Thumb.   In Animal Scalebook we encounter the spiky hedgehog, snuffling along the ground, and the giraffe as it reaches for the highest branches of the tree. Along the way we also meet sea blubber, with its hundreds of stinging tentacles, dozens of metres long, and the white rhinoceros, which can run faster than the world’s fastest human!

      • Children's & YA
        October 2018

        Dinosaur Scalebook

        The vividly colourful scalebooks put things – and us humans! – in proportion by scaling different animals to everyday objects and distances.

        by Carlos da Cruz & Maija Karala

        Carlos da Cruz’s Scalebooks are inspiring children’s science books about the amazing size of animals. Some creatures make human beings feel like giants, others like Tom Thumb.   In Dinosaur Scalebook you learn how large was a microraptor, one of the smallest dinosaurs, and how small is a human compared to the largest found fossil of a dinosaur. But which dinosaur had feathers similar to a chicken?

      • Children's & YA
        October 2019

        Fish Scalebook

        The vividly colourful scalebooks put things – and us humans! – in proportion by scaling different animals to everyday objects and distances.

        by Carlos da Cruz & Maija Karala

        Carlos da Cruz’s Scalebooks are inspiring children’s science books about the amazing size of animals. Some creatures make human beings feel like giants, others like Tom Thumb.   In Fish Scalebook the focus is in the oceans, lakes and rivers of the world. Which kinds of fish live in the water, out of the human sight? Which fish can have inspired the stories about sea monsters? What surprises are there in the bottoms of the oceans?

      • Education

        Structural Equation Modeling in Educational Research

        Concepts and Applications

        by Teo, T.

        Over the years, researchers have developed statistical methods to help them investigate and interpret issues of interest in many discipline areas. These methods range from descriptive to inferential to multivariate statistics. As the psychometrics measures in education become more complex, vigorous and robust methods were needed in order to represent research data efficiently. One such method is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). SEM is a statistical technique that allows the simultaneous analysis of a series of structural equations. It also allows a dependent variable in one equation to become an independent variable in another equation. It is a comprehensive statistical approach to testing hypotheses about relations among observed and latent variables. SEM is commonly known as causal modeling, or path analysis, which hypothesizes causal relationships among variables and tests the causal models with a linear equation system. As educational research questions become more complex, they need to be evaluated with more sophisticated tools. The pervasive use of SEM in the literature has shown that SEM has a potential to be of assistance to modern educational researchers. This book will bring together prominent educators and researchers from around the world to share their contemporary research on structural equation modeling in educational settings. The chapters provide information on recent trends and developments and effective applications of the different models to answer various educational research questions. This book is a critical and specialized source that describes recent advances in SEM in international academia.

      • Education

        Technology Acceptance in Education

        Research and Issues

        by Teo, T.

        Technology acceptance can be defined as a user’s willingness to employ technology for the tasks it is designed to support. Over the years, acceptance researchers have become more interested in understanding the factors influencing the adoption of technologies in various settings. From the literature, much research has been done to understand technology acceptance in the business contexts. This is understandable, given the close relationship between the appropriate uses of technology and profit margin. In most of the acceptance studies, researchers have sought to identify and understand the forces that shape users’ acceptance so as to influence the design and implementation process in ways to avoid or minimize resistance or rejection when users interact with technology. Traditionally, it has been observed that developers and procurers of technological resources could rely on authority to ensure that technology was used, which is true in many industrial and organizational contexts. However, with the increasing demands for educational applications of information technology and changing working practices, there is s need to re-examine user acceptance issues as they emerge within and outside of the contexts in which technology was implemented. This is true in the education milieu where teachers exercise the autonomy to decide on what and how technology will be used for teaching and learning purposes. Although they are guided by national and local policies to use technology in the classrooms, teachers spent much of their planning time to consider how technology could be harnessed for effective lesson delivery and assessment to be conducted. These circumstances have provided the impetus for researchers to study technology acceptance in educational settings. Although these studies have typically involved students and teachers as participants, their findings have far-reaching implications for school leaders, policy makers, and other stakeholders. The book is a critical and specialized source that describes recent research on technology acceptance in education represented by educators and researchers from around the world such as Australia, Belgium, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, United Kingdom, and United States of America.

      • July 2022

        Take Charge

        Be Money Smart in 7 Steps

        by Dr Lillian Koh, Chris Teo

        Money is a means, not an end goal in life; it is a means to get you to your goals. The promise of Take Charge: Be Money Smart in 7 Steps is this: you will learn how to manage your finances well and develop your own life goals to long-lasting happiness.   Targeted at teenagers and young adults, this book is an engaging and practical resource for introducing financial literacy to our youth – a vital topic in today’s world of instant gratification, easy access to credit, false promises of riches, and even financial exploitation by internet ‘financial gurus’.   Drawing on life experiences and professional expertise, the authors present key financial concepts and impart sensible financial advice in  this fully illustrated book. Contents: Education and Career, Income, Expenses, Debts, Investments, Future and Happiness.

      • October 2020 - December 2020

        1987 Singapore's Marxist Conspiracy 30 Years On

        by Chng Suan Tze/Low Yit Leng/Teo Soh Lung

        Survivors of Operation Spectrum—the alleged Marxist conspiracy—speak up in this volume. For many of them, this is the first time that they cast their minds back to 1987 and try to make sense of the incident. What they did in that period was meaningful and totally legitimate. Their families and friends share the same view. The detainees were subjected to ill-treatment, humiliation, and manipulated television appearances. Under duress, and threatened with indefinite imprisonment without trial, they had to make statutory declarations against their will. It is hoped that with this publication, the public will know what actually happened and decide for themselves if there was a national security threat that necessitated the mounting of Operation Spectrum.

      • Children's & YA

        Navigators in the kitchen

        by Berta Hiriart, Illustrated by Lorena Mondragón

        When the pandemic arrives to the city, the navigators from this story are forced to undertake an unexpected journey, which will make them discover endless important things. Do you know where? In the most unexpected place: the kitchen! Join Sara, Teo and Tania on their great journey.

      • Children's & YA
        February 2021

        El tiempo tiene nombre (Time Has Different Names)

        by Laura Romero

        Caleb’s mom is always in a hurry; Martina’s grandmother writes poetry at night because she doesn’t have time during the day. And Zoe can’t fall asleep, and she wants her dad to be with her in doing so. Isabel eats her afternoon snack while she does her homework, and gets everything dirty. But she doesn’t have time to do one thing at a time. But children do things at their time, one thing at a time, living the present. A book about how adults are always in a hurry, making kids do things faster. But time has different names: it is Teo eating his cereal and Juliette peeling her tangerine. Not fast or slow, taking the time they need.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2018


        by J.P. Zooey

        La vida de Teo se cuenta a través de las ventanas de chat abiertas en su computador. Las historias de sus amigos virtuales, su madre que siempre lo quiere ver conectado o la intermitente presencia de su coach emocional, develan sus dificultades para relacionarse y las sórdidas experiencias que tiene con su novia de Tinder. El absurdo de las relaciones digitales, el tráfico de información personal y la dependencia de un apoyo virtual para vivir construyen una novela hilarante donde el riesgo existe, no en el mundo real, sino mientras estamos conectados.

      • Fiction

        Hell in Paradise

        by Clara Sánchez

        In this new novel, Clara Sánchez creates an exciting plot about the disappearance of a Saudi princess locked in her golden cage. The luxurious atmosphere of the Costa del Sol and its darker reality stand out in this addictive intrigue with great female characters.Fate can bring about unexpected places and incredible experiences. Even open the doors to a world of great masked luxuries. Sonia Torres, who makes a living as a waitress in a Madrid burger, will for a time replace her friend Karen, who works in a hotel in Marbella. The young woman will spend the summer working as a waitress at the Beach Club, one of the best-known and most elite establishments in the Andalusian city, with a large presence of sheikhs and personalities from the Middle East. Marbella awaits the visit of King Fadel of Saudi Arabia and the more than a thousand people which make up his entourage, including his wives Sultana and Amina.The arrival of the monarch represents a shower of millions for the city and the Beach Club is fortunate to be the hotel that will host many of the evenings bankrolled by the royalty.The waitress will be involved in a strange and harrowing plot that will lead to the disappearance of the princess. Sonia will discover the harsh reality that hides behind so much opulence and beauty.

      • Children's & YA

        Imagination Unleashed 2

        Anthology of 25 short stories written by talented young authors of Storymakers League

        by Storymakers League authors

        This is an anthology of 25 short stories written by talented young authors (between 12 and 18 years old) from all over Asia. They are members of the Storymakers League.    The stories in this book:   1. "All I Had Left" by Lim Jxin Ying (Malaysia) 2. "A Letter to You" by Lim Yi Shu (Singapore) 3. "Rainy Nights at the Local Mamak Stall" by Misaki Michiba (Malaysia) 4. "The All-Island Smile" by MJ Zindi Taara Asgari (Sri Lanka) 5. "Karma" by N.M. Isumi Methmanthi Narasinghe (Sri Lanka) 6. "A Twisted Adventure" by Nethan Mikil Kuruppu (Sri Lanka) 7. "Peninsular of War" by Ng Jing Xuan (Malaysia) 8. "Morph" by Nicole See Jiaying (Malaysia) 9. "A Whisper of Despair" by Ramida Wisuidumpawn (Thailand) 10. "A Cyber Independence" by Razzi Effendi Rahim (Malaysia) 11. "Change" by Rukshitha Yoganathan (Sri Lanka) 12. "A Run to End War" by Sachintha Senanayake (Sri Lanka) 13. "Breaking a Social Norm" by Shaheen Abdul Gani (Sri Lanka) 14. "Palliating the Divergence" by Shanelle Diandra Perera (Sri Lanka) 15. "Hibiscus Boy" by Sharmaine Saran Padan Mohd Shafiq (Malaysia) 16. "Some of Us Are Different" by Sonia Teo Xhyn (Singapore) 17. "Unworthy" by Suraksa Chea (Cambodia) 18. "Home" by Syaarveeni Ashok (Malaysia) 19. "A Broken Friendship" by Syahna Alifya Saffanah (Indonesia) 20. "The Best Place to Be" by Thomas Lee Kaa Hoe (Malaysia) 21. "Anna’s Wish" by Tuan Ayham Wajdi Tuan Mohd Yusoff (Malaysia) 22. "Arc of Stone" by Wesley Onn Wei Rong (Brunei) 23. "Shoah for Their Kind" by Wesley Pu Chern Hsiong (Malaysia) 24. "The Radiant Rarity" by Yashmini Ayodya Sirisena (Sri Lanka) 25. "The Move" by Zhang Jinxuan (Singapore)

      • January 2020

        Dio, sorpresa per la storia

        Per una teologia post-secolare

        by Carmelo, Dotolo

        To meet God means entering into a new relationship that urges us to reconsider the models that have fuelled our believing experience. God is a constant surprise, a surprise that generates a new theological syntax for thinking, praying and narrating the adventure of existence.

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