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      • Trusted Partner
        July 1982

        Shakespeare and Company

        Ein Buchladen in Paris

        by Sylvia Beach, Lilly Sauter

        Sylvia Beachs amerikanische Buchhandlung und Leihbücherei in Paris war für ein Vierteljahrhundert Treffpunkt für Dichter und Musiker, denen Paris und die lebendige Atmosphäre um die Wahlpariserin zu geistigen Asyl und Mittelpunkt wurden.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2009



        by Sylvia Plath, Jutta Kaußen, Jutta Kaußen, Jutta Kaußen

        Nachdem sie ihrem Leben ein Ende gesetzt hatte, wurde Sylvia Plath fast ausschließlich als Leidende wahrgenommen, als unglücklich Liebende, als verlassene junge Mutter. Doch schon lange bevor ihre Ehe scheiterte und sie ihren berühmten Gedichtzyklus Ariel schrieb, hat sie in ihrem Werk mit dem Thema Liebe experimentiert: bald humorvoll, bald traurig, übermütig-kapriziös, sprachspielerisch und witzig so gut wie kühl-analytisch. Ihre Vorstellungskraft ließ sie in Rollen schlüpfen, Situationen durchspielen und Geschichten erzählen. Ihre schönsten Liebesgedichte sind in dieser zweisprachigen Ausgabe versammelt und werden zum Großteil erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung präsentiert.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 1988

        Sylvia Beach

        Eine Biographie im literarischen Paris 1920-1940

        by Noel R. Fitch, Angelika Schleindl

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1992

        Sylvia Plath

        Eine Biographie. Ins Deutsche übertragen von Sabine Techel

        by Linda W. Wagner-Martin, Sabine Techel

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2001

        Wie Dichtung entsteht


        by Ted Hughes, Jutta Kaußen, Jutta Kaußen, Wolfgang Kaußen, Wolfgang Kaußen, Claas Kazzer, Claas Kazzer, Claas Kazzer

        Der Felsen - Phantastische Ereignisse und blutige Abenteuer - Der verbrannte Fuchs - Wie Dichtung entsteht - Krähe am Strand - Lyrik und Gewalt - Mythen und Erziehung - Mythen - Ariel - Sylvia Plath veröffentlichen - Über Sylvia Plath - Unsere liebe Frau: Englisch - Shakespeare; Das große Thema - Emily Dickinson - Offenbarungen; Der Genius des Isaac Bashevis Singer - Das poetische Ich; T. S. Eliot zum 100. Geburtstag - Innere Musik - Regenerierungen - Der Gehenkte und die Libelle

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2023

        Aufzeichnungen aus der Rue de l'Odéon

        Schriften 1917–1953 | Erinnerungen der legendären Pariser Buchhändlerin

        by Adrienne Monnier

        Buchhandlung, literarischer Treffpunkt und Zufluchtsort der Avantgarde des 20. Jahrhunderts – La Maison des Amis des Livres in Paris links der Seine. Gründerin Adrienne Monnier war nicht nur Buchhändlerin, Herausgeberin und Verlegerin, sondern auch Schriftstellerin. Ihre Aufzeichnungen lassen die Welt der Rue de l’Odéon, in der fünf Jahre nach ihr auch Sylvia Beach die ebenfalls legendär gewordene Buchhandlung Shakespeare & Company eröffnet hat, wieder lebendig werden – mit Betrachtungen zum Beruf der Buchhändlerin, Lektürenotizen, essayistischen Reflexionen sowie ihre Erinnerungen an Sylvia Beach, Walter Benjamin, Bryher, Joyce, Colette, Hemingway, Saint-Exupéry, Valéry, Gisèle Freund und anderen, die Adrienne Monnier als große Porträtistin sichtbar werden lassen.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2022

        Das Reich der Mitte

        Der große China-Roman

        by Rutherfurd, Edward

        Aus dem Englischen von Henriette Zeltner Shane und Sylvia Bieker

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        2020 Das Jahr, das die Welt veränderte

        by Klinenberg, Eric

        Aus dem Englischen von Cornelius Hartz, Karsten Singelmann, Sylvia Bieker, Henriette Zeltner Shane und Anke Wagner-Wolff

      • Trusted Partner

        Palace Papers

        Die Windsors, die Macht und die Wahrheit | Deutsche Ausgabe. Von der Autorin des Weltbestsellers "Diana. Die Biografie"

        by Brown, Tina

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Ulrike Strerath-Bolz, Stephan Kleiner, Monika Köpfer, Karsten Singelmann, Astrid Becker, Sylvia Bieker, Henriette Zeltner Shane und Nadine Lipp

      • Trusted Partner
        Film, TV & radio
        November 2014

        Spanish cinema 1973–2010

        Auteurism, politics, landscape and memory

        by Edited by Maria M. Delgado and Robin Fiddian

        This collection offers a new lens through which to examine Spain's cinema production following the isolation imposed by the Franco regime. The seventeen key films analysed in the volume span a period of thirty-five years that have been crucial in the development of Spain, Spanish democracy and Spanish cinema. They encompass different genres (horror, thriller, melodrama, social realism, documentary), both popular (Los abrazos rotos/Broken Embraces, Vicky Cristina Barcelona) and more select art house fare (En la ciudad de Sylvia/In the City of Sylvia, El espíritu de la colmena/Spirit of the Beehive) and are made in English (as both first and second language), Basque, Castilian, Catalan and French. Offering an expanded understanding of 'national' cinemas, the volume explores key works by Guillermo del Toro and Lucrecia Martel alongside an examination of the ways in which established auteurs (Almodóvar, José Garci, Carlos Saura) and the younger generations of filmmakers (Cesc Gay, Amenábar, Bollaín) have harnessed cinematic language towards a commentary on the nation-state.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        The British working class in postwar film

        by Philip Gillett

        An incidental pleasure of watching a film is what it tells us about the society in which it is made. Using a sociological model, The British working class in postwar film looks at how working-class people were portrayed in British feature films in the decade after the Second World War. Though some of the films examined are well known, others have been forgotten and deserve reassessment. Original statistical data is used to assess the popularity of the films with audiences. With its interdisciplinary approach and the avoidance of jargon, this book seeks to broaden the approach to film studies. Students of media and cultural studies are introduced to the skills of other disciplines, while sociologists and historians are encouraged to consider the value of film evidence in their own fields. This work should appeal to all readers interested in social history and in how cinema and society works.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Spanish cinema 1973–2010

        Auteurism, politics, landscape and memory

        by Maria M. Delgado, Robin Fiddian

        This collection offers a new lens through which to examine Spain's cinema production following the isolation imposed by the Franco regime. The seventeen key films analysed in the volume span a period of 35 years that have been crucial in the development of Spain, Spanish democracy and Spanish cinema. They encompass different genres (horror, thriller, melodrama, social realism, documentary), both popular (Los abrazos rotos/Broken Embraces, Vicky Cristina Barcelona) and more select art house fare (En la ciudad de Sylvia/In the City of Sylvia, El espíritu de la colmena/Spirit of the Beehive) and are made in English (as both first and second language), Basque, Castilian, Catalan and French. Offering an expanded understanding of 'national' cinemas, the volume explores key works by Guillermo del Toro and Lucrecia Martel alongside an examination of the ways in which established auteurs (Almodóvar, José Garci, Carlos Saura) and younger generations of filmmakers (Cesc Gay, Amenábar, Bollaín) have harnessed cinematic language towards a commentary on the nation-state. The result is a bold new study of the ways in which film has created new prisms that have determined how Spain is positioned in the global marketplace.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2003

        Step-daughters of England

        British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary

        by Jane Garrity

        Jane Garrity shows how four British women modernists - Dorothy Richardson, Sylvia Townsend Warner, Mary Butts and Virginia Woolf - used experimental literary techniques in order to situate themselves as national subjects. Reading literary texts through the lens of material culture, this book makes a major contribution to the new modernist studies by arguing that women's imaginative work is inseparable from their ambivalent and complicated relation to Britain's imperial history. Drawing on extensive archival research, Garrity takes as her point of departure the ubiquitous maternal and racial link to national identification during the interwar period. Each chapter foregrounds a different range of cultural developments that coincided with the rise of modernism, such as emerging visual techniques, the revival of British neo-medievalism, ethnographic work on primitive mysticism, and nostalgia for English ruralism. By locating both canonical and non-canonical works of female literary modernism within broader cultural discourses, Garrity demonstrates the intersections among nationalism, imperialism, gender and sexuality in the construction of English national culture.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2016

        University engagement and environmental sustainability

        by Michael Osborne, Patricia Inman, Diana Robinson

        Universities have a key role to play in contributing to environmental development and combating climate change. The chapters within this volume detail the challenges faced by higher education institutions in considering environmental sustainability, and provide both a broad view of university engagement and a detailed examination of various projects. As part of this series in association with the Place and Social Capital and Learning (PASCAL) International Observatory, the three key PASCAL themes of place management, lifelong learning and the development of social capital are considered throughout the book. While universities have historically generated knowledge outside of specific local contexts, this book argues that it is particularly important for them to engage with the local community and to consider diverse perspectives and assets when looking at issues within an ecological context. The chapters in this volume provide new perspectives and frames of reference for transforming universities by engaging in the development of resilient communities.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1999

        James Joyce

        by Richard Ellmann, Albert W. Hess, Karl H. Reichert, Klaus Reichert

        Ellmann zeichnet ein scharf konturiertes Bild der Figur und Person die großen Schriftstellers des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts und seiner Epoche Er führt den Leser in die ›Joyce-Städte‹ Dublin, Triest, Paris und Zürich, in literarischen Kreise der frühen Jahrzehnte unseres Jahrhunderts – u. a. mit den Gestalten Shaw, Yeats, Eliot, Virginia Woolf, Hemingway, Proust, Sylvia Plath, Italo Svevo – und schließlich in die facettenreiche und komplizierte Innenwelt von James Joyce selbst.

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