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      • Chocolate Publishing

        Les Genies du chocolat, refered to as "the bible" is the most comprehensive work on the highest quality chocolate in the world today. Crafted with great sensitivity with meticulous editing, this pioneering masterpiece unravels an undiscovered territory of French gastronomy.

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      • Choc Lit

        Choc Lit is an award-winning publisher of women's fiction - romance, historical and crime fiction. We hold world rights for all our titles.

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        January 1992

        Der Schatten aus der Zeit

        Erzählung. Deutsch von Rudolf Hermstein

        by H. P. Lovecraft, Rudolf Hermstein

        Howard Phillips Lovecraft wurde am 20. August 1890 in Providence, Rhode Island geboren und starb am 15. März 1937 ebenda. Im Alter von acht Jahren verlor er seinen Vater. Er wurde fortan hauptsächlich von seiner Mutter, seinem Großvater und zwei Tanten aufgezogen und zeigte bereits früh literarische Begabung. Als Kleinkind lernte er Gedichte auswendig und begann im Alter von sechs Jahren, eigene Gedichte zu schreiben. Sein Großvater unterstützte diese Neigung und erzählte ihm selbsterfundene Horrorgeschichten. 1914 wurde Lovecraft Mitglied einer Vereinigung von amerikanischen Hobbyautoren, deren Ziel es war, durch Kongresse den Austausch unter den Autoren zu fördern. Dieser Austausch mit Gleichgesinnten verlieh Lovecraft neuen Schwung: Die Kurzgeschichten The Tomb und Dagon erstanden in dieser Zeit. 1924 heiratete Lovecraft die sieben Jahre ältere jüdische Ukrainerin Sonia Greene. Einige Jahre später einigten sich die getrennt lebenden Sonia Greene und Lovecraft auf eine einvernehmliche Scheidung, die jedoch nie rechtswirksam vollzogen wurde. Lovecraft kehrte zurück nach Providence und lebte dort wieder mit seinen Tanten. Dieser letzte Abschnitt seines Lebens war der produktivste. Nahezu sämtliche seiner bekannten Erzählungen, wie Der Fall Charles Dexter Ward oder Berge des Wahnsinns stammen aus dieser Zeit. 1936 wurde bei Lovecraft Darmkrebs diagnostiziert. Bis zu seinem Tode ein Jahr später litt er an ständigen Schmerzen und Unterernährung. Rudolf Hermstein, geboren 1940 in Juliusburg in Niederschlesien, ist seit 1971 als freier Übersetzer aus dem Englischen tätig. Er lebt im oberbayerischen Bad Feilnbach.

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        Aufs Ganze

        Die Geschichte einer Tochter aus scheckigem Haus

        by Mikich, Sonia

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        Planet Moskau

        Geschichten aus dem neuen Russland

        by Mikich, Sonia

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        May 2002

        Die Geschichte des Haushaltsrechts vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart.

        Eine ökonomische Analyse im Lichte der Budgetfunktionen.

        by Strube, Sonia

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        History of Art / Art & Design Styles

        Ukrainian Artists In Paris. 1900-1939

        by Vita Susak

        This book is the first detailed look at the contribution of artists from Ukraine to the phenomenon known as the School of Paris. Many Ukrainian artists, such as Alexander Archipenko, Mykhailo Boichuk, Sonia Delaunay, Sophia Lewitska, Vladimir Baranoff-Rossiné, and Hannah Orloff were living and working in Paris at the same time as Picasso, Modigliani and Chagall. In the early 1920s they were joined by Oleksa Hryshchenko (Alexis Gritchenko), Mykhailo Andriienko, Vasyl Khmeliuk, and many others. Some of these artists achieved fame, others are long since forgotten. The book also tells about Ukrainian events that unfolded in the French capital between 1900-1939. The book's Appendix includes a list of over 250 Ukrainian artists in Paris as well as a chronology of Ukrainian events in Paris.

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        The Arts

        Icons on the Ammunition Boxes

        by Sonia Atlantova, Oleksandr Klymenko

        This publication is dedicated to the artistic project "Icons on the Ammunition Boxes" by Sonya Atlantova and Oleksandr Klymenko. The icons painted on fragments of weapons boxes brought from the front lines are silent witnesses of the war in Eastern Ukraine and at the same time evidence of the victory of life over death (not only symbolic, but also real). Since the spring of 2015, the project had a charitable purpose of supporting the Mykola Pyrogov First Voluntary Mobile Hospital that provided medical assistance to the Ukrainian army and to the civilians in combat zone of Donbas.

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        September 2001

        Der Fatburner

        Das Programm mit Garantie: Fett verbrennen - dauerhaft abnehmen

        by Petersen, Ole; Goretzki, Sonia

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2004

        Theatre and religion

        Lancastrian Shakespeare

        by Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Richard Wilson

        This important collection of essays focuses on the place of Roman Catholicism in early modern England, bringing new perspectives to bear on whether Shakespeare himself was Catholic. In the Introduction, Richard Wilson reviews the history of the debate over Shakespeare's religion, while Arthur Marotti and Peter Milward offer current perspectives on the subject. Eamon Duffy offers a historian's view of the nature of Elizabethan Catholicism, complemented by Frank Brownlow's study of Elizabeth's most brutal enforcer of religious policy, Richard Topcliffe. Two key Catholic controversialists are addressed by Donna Hamilton (Richard Vestegan) and Jean-Christophe Mayer (Robert Parsons). Robert Miola opens up the neglected field of Jesuit drama in the period, whilst Sonia Fielitz specifically proposes a new, Jesuit source-text for Timon of Athens. Carol Enos (As You Like It), Margaret Jones-Davies (Cymbeline), Gerard Kilroy (Hamlet) and Randall Martin (Henry VI 3) read individual plays in the light of these questions, while Gary Taylor's essay fittingly investigates the possible influence of religious conflicts on the publication of the Shakespeare First Folio. Theatre and religion: Lancastrian Shakespeare as a whole represents a major intervention in this fiercely contested current debate. ;

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        Children's & YA

        The Holiday I Had to Take

        by Kateryna Yehorushkina (Author), Sonia Avdieieva (Illustrator)

        When the holidays draw near, schoolchildren begin to think about rest and travel. Sadly, this time, Vira's (Faith) holidays will be different due to the war. She, along with her parents and younger brother, has to move to the basement floor of their apartment building to hide from the bombardments. The family members do all they can to adapt to this new reality: they melt snow when they run out of water, try to warm themselves up by singing when they run out of heating, and reassure themselves that all the people close to them are safe when they cannot hear from them. The usual way of life seems like a distant memory, surviving perhaps only in our imagination or in computer games. Yet, even in these activities, and in supporting our loved ones, we can learn how to find a light inside that no missile will ever be able to reach. The Holiday I Had to Take is not only the moving story of Vira; readers of Kateryna Yehorushkina's book will also find advice and soothing practices from psychologist Svitlana Royz to support everyone finding themselves in difficult times   From 3 to 8 years, 2138 words. Rightsholders: Natalie Miroshnyk,

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