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      • Trusted Partner
        Colonialism & imperialism
        July 2003

        Imperial cities

        Landscape, display and identity

        by Edited by Felix Driver and David Gilbert

        Imperial cities explores the influence of imperialism in the landscapes of modern European cities including London, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Marseilles, Glasgow and Seville. Examines large-scale architectural schemes and monuments, including the Queen Victoria Memorial in London and the Vittoriano in Rome. Focuses on imperial display throughout the city, from spectacular exhibitions and ceremonies, to more private displays of empire in suburban gardens. Cconsiders the changing cultural and political identities in the imperial city, looking particularly at nationalism, masculinity and anti-imperialism.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Imperial cities

        Landscape, display and identity

        by Felix Driver, David Gilbert

        Imperial cities explores the influence of imperialism in the landscapes of modern European cities including London, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Marseilles, Glasgow and Seville. Examines large-scale architectural schemes and monuments, including the Queen Victoria Memorial in London and the Vittoriano in Rome. Focuses on imperial display throughout the city, from spectacular exhibitions and ceremonies, to more private displays of empire in suburban gardens. Cconsiders the changing cultural and political identities in the imperial city, looking particularly at nationalism, masculinity and anti-imperialism.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        I Like You - Just Like That!

        by Neele/ Marta Balmaseda

        A poetic picture book that makes it easy to forget arguments and anger: the little elephant is in a bad mood and kicks a stone. The stone inadvertently hits the flamingo – and the complaining and annoyance just keeps spreading. By the river, in the bush, on the savannah: just like that! Until a little meerkat has had enough and just hugs the snarling leopard. The leopard’s heart becomes light and gradually all the animals notice how good it is when we’re nice to one another. Just like that!

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Little Owl Witch (2). Full Moon Magic at Midnight

        by Katja Alves/ Marta Balmaseda

        Exciting new adventures in the Enchanted Forest. The mighty tree witches send out invitations to take part in the great Witch Competition, which is only held once every hundred years. The prize is a superb extra magical power. Just the thing for a young owl witch like Petunia, think the seven litte owls, and so they secretly enter their witch for the competition. There is just one catch: whoever comes last in solving the extremely difficult magic problems must hand over her witch’s broomstick. Oh dear! The trouble is, all the other witches are very old and are real experts in the art of magic… Fortunately, and as always, Petunia can rely on her little owls!

      • Puro Pelo. Dreams painter

        by Fabián Sevilla, Juan Chavetta

        Puro Pelo discovers that she dreams in black and white! So, to color her dreams, she will make more than a little mess! In this book you will find laughter, nonsense and many colors. Together with your friend Pelito, besides having a lot of fun, you will discover what art is and understand the value of strive to make your dreams come true. Suggested for +7 years old.

      • Monster's brain

        by Fabián Sevilla, Juan Chavetta

        The monsters in this book have the biggest problems!Frankenstein wants a new brain, but he doesn't know which one to choose. Will he find in the Brain Market the one that fits his head? And Dracula finds his next victim, who will demonstrate him that not all nights are good to go out and  stick your fangs in someone’s neck. Illustrated book suggested for +6 years old.

      • Fiction
        February 2021

        Especie /2

        by Susana Martín Gijón

        SPECIES /   Sevilla. The last days of  summer. It is a peaceful time in the offices  of the Judicial Police Brigade in Seville and the Homicide Team can relax after the latest surge in the numbers of deaths in the city. But it does not last long. One scorching morning Seville wakes up to three murders perpetrated in the streets, each one more wicked and scary. But the modus operandi is totally different  in each of them and inspector Camino Vargas is completely perplexed .  Only until she finds the connecting thread between them and then the case takes a most horrifying direction: the murderer imitates the methods of killing animals in the all-powerful meat industry. If in Progenie the underlying theme was maternity and the still prevailing social impositions for women, in Especie  the authoress puts the spotlight  on the world of industrial production farms and on the way we treat animals. Do we have the right to torture them from the moment they are born just for the pleasure of eating them? Is this what the murderer wants to tell us? Inspector Camino and her team, working against time, go to slaughterhouses, farms and animal sanctuaries while  the whole country is terrified  by the crimes committed in the Andalusian capital.   A fast-paced novel with twists and turns where nothing will be as it seems.

      • Fiction
        January 2020

        Progenie / 1

        by Susana Martín Gijón

        PROGENY / A bold police procedural that delves into one of the major themes of our times: a reflection on motherhood, and with it, on family models and on still existing social demands imposed on women.  A captivating thriller and a powerful way of telling a story that is much more than just the plot and the characters but it also deals with the issue of artificial fertilization and genetic manipulation. Seville in the grip of a heat wave. Whoever can, dashes for the beach. But not Camino Vargas, the unexpectedly-appointed and temporary head of the homicide group since the shooting that left inspector Arenas in a coma. And neither do the criminals. Someone has deliberately run over a woman and fled. This fact will become the focus of media attention when a disturbing piece of information is leaked out: the murderer left a pacifier in the mouth of the victim before escaping. All the clues point to the ex-partner, a psychological abuser who made her life impossible. The statistics are not good: there have already been fifty fatal attacks of gender-based violence this year. However, when the autopsy reveals that the victim was pregnant, things will no longer be so clear. And when other murders begin to happen following the same modus operandi, the entire city will be shaken to the core. This forceful and rather troublesome inspector will have to handle the toughest case of her career, helped only by the few members of her team that remain in the city. In an exercise of literary maturity, the author reaches a perfect balance between the subject and a gripping and absorbing thriller in which the big unknown generates high tension in the whole city: has Seville become a dangerous place for women? Who and why is committing such brutal murders?

      • Fiction
        April 2018


        Las hijas del Norte

        by I. Biggi

        THE CERROS DE ÚBEDA AWARD 2019 FOR BEST HISTORICAL NOVEL.  VIKINGS AT IBERIAN PENINSULA  859 A. C. Viking drakars are moving to Seville, one of the richest cities all around the world. Their objective: raze and loot it. However, expedition will be an outright failure - warriors of the north will be captured and the governor of the city will demand a large rescue for the. But, when that news reaches their village, women decide not to give up and, together with some children and slaves, they hire a small group of mercenaries to teach them how to fight. A year later, the rescue expedition will be ready. It seems an impossible mission, and, from the beginning, it will be fraught with setbacks. I. Biggi make us to fly back to past, to Vikings world, in a so fast narrative as well as his exhaustive knowledge of the period. In that way, Valkirias is an adventure novel that shows us the most human side of a civilization as dazzling as terrifying. NEXT AUTHOR’S PUBLICATION: OCTOBER 2020: MOISE’S PROJECT: In 1945 allied troops are about to invade European continente. In London, Military High Command receives the strange visit of an exiled Spanish professor, a man who has been fighting for the Republica during Spanish Civil War.

      • June 2020

        Autores en busca del autor

        by M.ª Ángeles Varela; Barnés, Antonio; Batres, Izara; Palenzuela, Francisco; Sevilla, Santiago

        Pese al proceso de secularización que ha experimentado el mundo en general y particularmente la llamada sociedad occidental, las investigaciones compartidas en este volumen ponen de manifiesto que los escritores no han abandonado a Dios. Al menos, muchos de ellos. Y que usan la Literatura como palestra de ese diálogo que unas veces es de búsqueda, otras de encuentro, otras de amor, otras de duda... pero en definitiva expresa una comunicación ininterrumpida. Dios, el mundo y el hombre son los grandes temas de la Filosofía y también lo son de la Literatura. La ventaja de la Literatura frente a otras disciplinas académicas es que los autores se expresan con más libertad, usando la máscara que prefieran, sea el propio yo, sea uno de sus personajes, sea tal símbolo o tal metáfora. En la Literatura la palabra no tiene por qué constreñirse, encorsetarse, devaluarse. Vuela por el aire, y en el aire respira a Dios.

      • March 2020

        Mark of Odin: The Awakening

        by Xavier Marcé

        Mark of Odin: The Awakening is the first issue of the transmedia literary saga of Mark of Odin where Norse mythology meets modern warfare and science fiction in a way that will surprise you. Introduces a new literary model where you will be able to enjoy the fusion of a reading experience with the potential of an online platform with gamification features. All supported by a transmedia universe of extended content for all readers that want more once they finish the book.After reaching more than one hundred thousand readers worldwide, now Mark of Odin saga’s first book is available in English. Are you ready to accept the challenge and awake to your real fate?SynopsisThe year is 2012, Luis Oden is about to graduate as an Aerospace Engineer and he expects to be chosen to participate in the ambitious Project Hermes, to develop a new generation of space shuttles in the new European Aerospace Center of Seville, Spain. His life is seemingly perfect until he begins to suffer recurring nightmares where mighty beasts, that seem to come from the Norse mythology, assault and torture him urging him to wake up. But wake up to what?Meanwhile, Jack Preston, a Lieutenant Colonel from the USAF and responsible for the tests of the X-56 Phoenix, a prototype of an orbital superiority combat jet fighter, is sent together with his crew to Seville to review the development of the Hermes program. There he will meet Luis when they are chosen to star the parachuting exhibition for the Columbus Day.Both Luis and Preston ignore it, but a dark menace is coming and only their choices will be able to give a chance to humanity to survive.

      • Religious & spiritual fiction
        August 2012


        by Jake Organ

        Adonais begins as he stands on the Iberian Peninsula and looks out towards the coast of North Africa, fighting for the strength to go with his inner leadings and follow his destiny that lies beyond that coast. The story observes the young Friar as he makes his journey from the Peninsula?s southern tip through the Alpujarra to a Gharnata that is feeling a new rise in sectarian tension and is hearing news of violent events across the border in Christian Sevilla. In Gharnata he meets his childhood friend Miriam in the house of Rabbi Andrew, the spiritual head of Gharnata?s distinguished Jewish population. They agree to share the journey together to her forest community that is on the way to his final destination which is the Christian frontier city of Jaen. These young orphan children who grew up as closest friends and confidantes but have blossomed into beautiful adults have a deep and soul searching time of facing a lot of their confusion over their adult relationship which causes, especially Adonais to face some of the ghosts of his past. Miriam?s joyous wedding occurs in the vibrant community of which she is a key part and the whole event provides cathartic, healing for many of the participants. After the wedding Adonais continues his journey to Jaen as the shocking, violent and murderous events of June 1391 in Sevilla become the focus.Adonais the character symbolizes the way in which a true and wholesome spirituality can rebuild a life broken by hatred and religious sectarianism. The story is set in the late 14th Century Iberian Peninsula, and evokes the tension and intrigue of the time as well as capturing its beguiling mystery.In the novel Adonais, the author has managed to survey an extremely dark, treacherous and violent era in history and show a story of the triumph of hope and goodness over that same darkness. The novel explores many themes related to the history of the period, the interaction between different religious groups and the tension between inner spirituality and outer, sectarian religion.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2019

        The construction of regional identities in Spain, France and Germany, 1890-1939

        by Eric Storm

        Many of the existing regional topics were forged in the late 19th or early 20th century. Painters, architects and international exhibitions -such as those in Barcelona and Seville- played a crucial role in the definition and visualization of the idiosyncratic character of each region. This pioneering book compares the process of building regional identities in Spain with that of France and Germany, showing that regionalist paintings, houses and pavilions were generally interpreted as a sample of (regional) diversity within the (national) unit. The culture of regionalism was therefore part of a new phase of the nationalization process, while its relations with the various regional movements were weak.

      • Poetry


        A poetry book written by Enrique Bunbury, focusing on his personal life and microdoses as a form of self-discovery.

        by Enrique Bunbury

        MicroDosis is a diary written during the last two years in which Enrique Bunbury decides to experiment in his conscience the ingestion of microdoses of psilocybin. The genre chosen by the author to narrate this inner journey is poetry. In this way Bunbury consolidates his incursion into literature after the appearance in 2021 of his first collection of poems Exilio Topanga (La Bella Varsovia) adding to the aesthetic features present in that one an atmosphere of psychedelia and a critique of "the mental norm" of the system. MicroDosis is an experiential and intimate book that contemplates the daily routine with eyes that open without hesitation the doors of another perception. Space and time acquire a new depth, just as they do in Krishnamurti's diaries, grafting onto its passages the heritage of the American beat generation, the oneirism of David Lynch and a very filmic plasticity that runs through Los Angeles with a neural network in flames. Taking the words of Vicente Gallego in his prologue: "Of that extinction of oneself in the cosmic amplitude, of those inner journeys where the familiar becomes unacceptable and the prodigious dawns to its prodigality the pages of this book written with his underpants off, but full of affection for everything, including the always vain spectacle of this world, speak to us." Four editions since March 2023 6000 copies sold

      • The Arts

        Bauhaus Women Designers

        History of a silent revolution

        by María Vadillo

        In 1919, Walter Gropius founded the Staatliche Bauhaus in Weimar (Germany): a place for construction. The project was born as a utopian school in which to train, integrating various artistic disciplines through the object and architecture, the new craftsmen that would be demanded for a sweeping beginning of the century. An idea that would evolve into design from its headquarters in Dessau with the famous "art and technology: a new unity". However, the intellectual recognition of the Bauhaus is a fact that historically focused on its male protagonists, forgetting a number of women artists, designers, set designers, painters or architects trained there who contributed decisively to this "revolution", and whose work in the imaginary about the Bauhaus has remained invisible, despite developing their respective careers with an unquestionable international impact. With this work, Marisa Vadillo fills this gap, completing the reality of the school by recounting the outstanding role of these fundamental authors in an unrepeatable episode of twentieth-century art.

      • Fiction

        Mongo Blanco

        by Carlos Bardem

        ESPARTACUS PRIZE 2020 - "I am Don Pedro Blanco. Slave trader. Madman. Giant or monster. Mongo Blanco. The Great Wizard, the Mirror, the Sun. The King of Gallinas. Pirate. Father. Brother. From the slums of Malaga to an African throne, from the wonders of Havana to a madhouse in Barcelona. A pistol. If I had a pistol, I’d spatter the walls with my brains. This is the story of my guilt and my penitence."   Following his father’s death, Pedro Blanco leaves Malaga and goes to sea in search of a better future. Both cunning and determined, he gradually makes his way in the world and becomes Mongo Blanco, one of the greatest slave traffickers of the 19th century. But when he is betrayed by somebody close to him, his fall into disgrace begins. He recounts his story to the doctor in the asylum to which he has been confined, little suspecting that his story has not yet finished and that a figure from his past has returned to collect an outstanding debt. In his final years, Mongo Blanco will have the opportunity to redeem himself or finally fall victim to his own excesses. Carlos Bardem’s latest novel is the thrilling epic of a real historical character, the powerful and legendary Mongo Blanco. Spain, Cuba and Africa provide the settings for this engrossing story, carefully documented and written with great attention to detail and astonishing emotion that will leave lovers of historical fiction, adventure novels and literature in general gasping for breath.   Jonathan Littell meets Quentin Tarantino.

      • February 2018


        by Miquel Bulnes

        Towards the end of the eleventh century, during an expedition to collect protection funds for the city of Seville for King Alfonso VI, the young Castilian cousins Eloy and Carmelo become separated. Carmelo comes under the care of an Islamic vizier in Seville, learns Arabic and serves in Seville’s army; Eloy is appointed infanzón in the province of Toledo, which has been conquered by Alfonso VI. Eventually, their paths will cross again when they face each other on the battlefield.   At the beginning of the twelfth century the Mozarab brother Pius was summoned from Toledo to a monastery of the order of Cluny to hear the confessions of a dying noble. While the noble endlessly stalls his actual confession, Pius gradually begins to understand what kind of place he has traveled to and why he was assigned this task.   Reconquista is a dazzling, all-encompassing novel in which Miquel Bulnes sublimely tells the fascinating story of the struggle between Mohammedans and Christians in Medieval Spain through a host of unforgettable characters.

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