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      • Trusted Partner
      • Fiction
        June 2020

        Drawings of Hiroshima

        by Marcelo Simonetti

        “The sky was covered with grey clouds. The drizzle was lighter than normal, almost pious. The Japanese were advancing through the streets with short, fast steps. Satoru was ahead of them. He pedaled at a good pace. From his bicycle seat, the city revealed itself to his eyes as a sequence of frames. It was strange to be there, in his grandfather's city, and to ride through it as he had probably never done before: on two wheels. Even so, the possibility that the route he was taking would intersect with the routes that his grandfather had taken when he was a child, provoked an intimate emotion in him. Those landscapes were over eighty years old, including an atomic bomb, but it was the land where Ryu Nakata had learned to walk, to speak, to read”. The death of his grandfather, awakens in the young Yasuhiro Nakata the desire to know the family history, especially after finding a letter in which he discovers another side of the old man whose last words were: 'Hiroshima, Hiroshima', warning of the existence of a secret. As a result, Yasuhiro embarks on a journey that will take him from Valparaiso to Hiroshima, where his grandfather emigrated ten years before the atomic disaster. This is the beginning of Drawings of Hiroshima— a charming story that allows readers to follow the protagonist on a journey in which he not only reconnects with his Japanese origins, but also questions his present, his interpersonal relationships and his interest in writing, deepening the unconscious desire to understand the role that he plays in a story that is not his own but yet challenges him directly. With this new release, Marcelo Simonetti addresses issues such as migration and identity, connecting the historic Chilean port of Valparaiso with the memory of the tragedy occured in the Japanese city.

      • Health & Personal Development
        August 2014

        Cry for Health, Volume 1

        Health: The Casualty of Modern Times

        by Jesse Sleeman

        Cry for Health is the first volume of a brilliant treatise that explores vitally important issues for everyone working in healthcare, ecology, sociology, environmental and biological sciences. In fact, for anyone concerned about our survival. In essence, it unravels the hidden story behind the moderrn pandemic, death by doctoring, the failure of medical science to fully understand heatth, and the health impact of man-made chemicals, electropollution, and modern farming and food processing practices. Author Jesse Sleeman has over 30 years' experience in the practice and teaching of natural and traditional therapies and medical philosophies.

      • Fiction
        August 2022



        by Robby Bobby

        Robby Bobby ist ein leidenschaftlicher Sammler von Action-Figuren. Als ausgebildeter Fotograf und mit seiner brennenden Leidenschaft für die Welt von Marvel und DC kreiert er beeindruckende, unvergessliche Fotografien, die das Herz berühren. Für seine ersten Bücher verwendete Robby Bobby farbiges Licht und Milchglas, um die Wirkung mystisch leuchtender Figuren zu erzeugen, die auf keinem Boden zu stehen scheinen und von magischem Licht umgeben sind, als würden sie im Weltall schweben. Für diese zweite Reihe von Büchern verwendete Robby Bobby ein Diorama, das er selbst entworfen und gebaut hat. Dieses Diorama an sich ist bereits ein Kunstwerk. Diese Miniatur-Stadt bildet den Hintergrund für die dunkle Atmosphäre der Comic-Welt, in der die Figuren einzeln beleuchtet und wie echte Schauspieler in Szene gesetzt sind. Schau dir das Video an auf Es zeigt eine kleinen Rundgang durch das wundervolle Diorama voller Überraschungen und Details. Ganz ohne Worte posieren in diesem Bildband bewegliche 1/6 Figuren von Diamond, Hasbro, Mezco und Mattel im Diorama und entführen dich an Orte des Marvel Legends Universums, in Welten und Dimensionen auf der Erde, im All und auf den Planeten Ego. Diese Enzyklopädie, dieses Lexikon auf deutsch ist ein Reiseführer der größten Superschurken und Helden-Charaktere aller Zeiten für Ausflüge zum Planeten Moord und Chitauri als bestes prime Geschenk für Papa mit coolen retro Bildern zu Filmen und mit erlesenen Gadgets aus dem Universum der Hero Geschichte, und es zeigt die multikulturelle Atmosphäre des intergalaktischen Wegpunktes Knowhere und die göttliche Pracht von Asgard am Horizont. Erforsche die Hot Spots, die Geschichte, die Kultur von: Planet X, Halfworld, Weirdworld, Planeten der Symbionten, Wakanda, Latveria, Atlantis, Savage Land, New Attilan zusammen mit Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, Groot, alias die Guardians of the Galaxy. Marvel wurde 1939 als Timely Comics gegründet und hat seinen Sitz in New York City und zählt neben DC Comics zu den weltweit größten Comic-Verlagen. Mit dem Marvel Cinematic Universe MCU wurde ein Franchise um ein fiktives Universum aufgebaut, in dem alle aktuellen Superhelden-Filme spielen. Zu den bekannten Titeln zählen Spiderman, The Avengers, Hulk, Captain America, Batman, Iron Man, Thor, Loki und The Infinity War. In diesem Fotobuch findest du unter anderem diese Actionfiguren: BLACK PANTHER, PACIFIC RIM, SUPERMAN, WOLVERINE, WONDER WOMAN, THANOS, JUGGERNAUT by Mc Farlane, ROGUE, LOKI, THE THING, SHE HULK JENNIFER WALTERS, DRAKE, BLASTAAR, NAMOR, BISHOP, LIZARD, MYSTIQUE, ANGEL, ARCHANGEL, RHINO, DOCTOR STRANGE, DESTROYER, ASTRONAUT BEN GRIMM, DOCTOR STRANGE, IRON MONGER, GOBLIN, DOCTOR LEONARD SAMSON, DARE DEVIL, BULLSEYE, DEADPOOL, HULKBUSTER, DR. DOOM, SANDMAN, BEAST, HAWKEYE, CABLE, WENIDGO, SABRETOOTH, STORM, NIGHTCRAWLER, ABOMINATION, RED SKULL, COLOSSUS, THE VISION, BEETLE, MAN THING, KALIBAK, KOBRA, GORILLA GRODD, FLASH, STEPPENWOLF, LEX LUTHOR, DEMON ETRIGAN, MAN BAT, HAWKMAN, HAWKGIRL, BEASTBOY, FORAGER, STARFIRE, PARADEMON, BIG BARDA, DARKSEID, MISTER MIRACLE, MONKEYMAN, SAVAGE DRAGON, MANITS, GOLDEN PHARAOH, THE RIDDLER, GYGOR GORILLA, HELLBOY, GHOSTBUSTERS, KHAL DROGO, BLACK WIDOW, CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON, THE TORCH, GODZILLA, HORSE REVOLTECH, TONY MONTANA SCARFACE, CAESAR, CHITAURI, PANTHOR, TYRANNOSAURUS REX, KRATOS, EVOLVE HANK, GOLIATH, MARKOV, SPAWN, LOCUST GRENADIER, CHANDRA NALAAR, RYU, COLE, BAT CREATURE, GARRUK WILDSPEAKER, JUDGE MASTER GABRANT, NATHAN SPENCER, ANJA, DESPERO, AZRAEL, KAMANDI, ORION.

      • August 2021



        by Robby Bobby

        Robby Bobby ist ein leidenschaftlicher Sammler von Action-Figuren. Als ausgebildeter Fotograf und mit seiner brennenden Leidenschaft für die Welt von Marvel und DC kreiert er beeindruckende, unvergessliche Fotografien, die das Herz berühren. Für seine ersten Bücher verwendete Robby Bobby farbiges Licht und Milchglas, um die Wirkung mystisch leuchtender Figuren zu erzeugen, die auf keinem Boden zu stehen scheinen und von magischem Licht umgeben sind, als würden sie im Weltall schweben. Für diese zweite Reihe von Büchern verwendete Robby Bobby ein Diorama, das er selbst entworfen und gebaut hat. Dieses Diorama an sich ist bereits ein Kunstwerk. Diese Miniatur-Stadt bildet den Hintergrund für die dunkle Atmosphäre der Comic-Welt, in der die Figuren einzeln beleuchtet und wie echte Schauspieler in Szene gesetzt sind. Schau dir das Video an auf Es zeigt eine kleinen Rundgang durch das wundervolle Diorama voller Überraschungen und Details.   Ganz ohne Worte posieren in diesem Bildband bewegliche 1/6 Figuren von Diamond, Hasbro, Mezco und Mattel im Diorama und entführen dich an Orte des Marvel Legends Universums, in Welten und Dimensionen auf der Erde, im All und auf den Planeten Ego. Diese Enzyklopädie, dieses Lexikon auf deutsch ist ein Reiseführer der größten Superschurken und Helden-Charaktere aller Zeiten für Ausflüge zum Planeten Moord und Chitauri als bestes prime Geschenk für Papa mit coolen retro Bildern zu Filmen und mit erlesenen Gadgets aus dem Universum der Hero Geschichte, und es zeigt die multikulturelle Atmosphäre des intergalaktischen Wegpunktes Knowhere und die göttliche Pracht von Asgard am Horizont. Erforsche die Hot Spots, die Geschichte, die Kultur von: Planet X, Halfworld, Weirdworld, Planeten der Symbionten, Wakanda, Latveria, Atlantis, Savage Land, New Attilan zusammen mit Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, Groot, alias die Guardians of the Galaxy. Marvel wurde 1939 als Timely Comics gegründet und hat seinen Sitz in New York City und zählt neben DC Comics zu den weltweit größten Comic-Verlagen. Mit dem Marvel Cinematic Universe MCU wurde ein Franchise um ein fiktives Universum aufgebaut, in dem alle aktuellen Superhelden-Filme spielen. Zu den bekannten Titeln zählen Spiderman, The Avengers, Hulk, Captain America, Batman, Iron Man, Thor, Loki und The Infinity War. In diesem Fotobuch findest du unter anderem diese Actionfiguren: BLACK PANTHER, PACIFIC RIM, SUPERMAN, WOLVERINE, WONDER WOMAN, THANOS, JUGGERNAUT by Mc Farlane, ROGUE, LOKI, THE THING, SHE HULK JENNIFER WALTERS, DRAKE, BLASTAAR, NAMOR, BISHOP, LIZARD, MYSTIQUE, ANGEL, ARCHANGEL, RHINO, DOCTOR STRANGE, DESTROYER, ASTRONAUT BEN GRIMM, DOCTOR STRANGE, IRON MONGER, GOBLIN, DOCTOR LEONARD SAMSON, DARE DEVIL, BULLSEYE, DEADPOOL, HULKBUSTER, DR. DOOM, SANDMAN, BEAST, HAWKEYE, CABLE, WENIDGO, SABRETOOTH, STORM, NIGHTCRAWLER, ABOMINATION, RED SKULL, COLOSSUS, THE VISION, BEETLE, MAN THING, KALIBAK, KOBRA, GORILLA GRODD, FLASH, STEPPENWOLF, LEX LUTHOR, DEMON ETRIGAN, MAN BAT, HAWKMAN, HAWKGIRL, BEASTBOY, FORAGER, STARFIRE, PARADEMON, BIG BARDA, DARKSEID, MISTER MIRACLE, MONKEYMAN, SAVAGE DRAGON, MANITS, GOLDEN PHARAOH, THE RIDDLER, GYGOR GORILLA, HELLBOY, GHOSTBUSTERS, KHAL DROGO, BLACK WIDOW, CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON, THE TORCH, GODZILLA, HORSE REVOLTECH, TONY MONTANA SCARFACE, CAESAR, CHITAURI, PANTHOR, TYRANNOSAURUS REX, KRATOS, EVOLVE HANK, GOLIATH, MARKOV, SPAWN, LOCUST GRENADIER, CHANDRA NALAAR, RYU, COLE, BAT CREATURE, GARRUK WILDSPEAKER, JUDGE MASTER GABRANT, NATHAN SPENCER, ANJA, DESPERO, AZRAEL, KAMANDI, ORION.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development


        Raw Food and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

        by Robert Morse N.D.

        The Detox Miracle system is based on the power of specific raw foods, herbs and juices to cleanse and purify individual systems of the body which allows cellular regeneration! The premise of raw food detoxification is that having an acid system will kill you, while gradually reaching an alkaline system will allow healing and unexpected levels of health! This book includes a textbook primer on each system of the body, what symptoms mean, and, most importantly, how to detoxify and regenerate using only raw foods and herbs. The Detox Miracle Sourcebook shows you how to cleanse your body of the poisons that are destroying your health, and start the process of complete cellular regeneration that leads to true healing. Based on 30 years of clinical experience, treating thousands of people with conditions ranging from overweight to cancer, Dr. Robert Morse reveals his ultimate healing system – the Detox Miracle! • Covers the A-Z of Detoxification, including: Why do it? When to do it? What to expect? How it works, and how long it takes. • Explains the uses of specific raw foods and herbs for cleansing and healing every organ, system, and unbalanced condition in the body. • Details the interface of body, mind and soul in the achievement of lifelong health. • Presents the Detox Miracle Diet, and how to adapt it for life. • Includes dozens of easy-to-use References: lists of herbs, herbal formulas, properties of foods, minerals, phytochemicals, and cell salts, etc.; along with raw food recipes; a detailed Index; broad-based Resource Guide; and extensive Glossary and Bibliography.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law


        Discover the Hidden Advantages of Stress

        by Rick Lewis

        The vast majority of “stress less” books are concerned with the modern problem of too much stress and how to reduce it. Not this one Confident Under Pressure is about the advantages of stress, clarifying the critical role that intentionally engaged stress plays in personal and professional development. Author Rick Lewis makes his living by putting leaders, executives and organizational teams into challenging situations to help them see the habitual ways they respond to stress. He then offers unique guidance in the practice of “stress production,” rather than stress reduction – revealing how to make a dynamic turnaround, an attitude of YES to stress.  Confident Under Pressure weaves colorful personal stories, recent neuroscience, the research of human performance experts, and the inspiration of leading business executives into a compelling and lucid argument for moving toward stress, conflict and change in order to become more creative, effective and happy in life, on the way to making our highest contribution in the world. The result is an eminently readable and practical book that anyone can use, at home, on the job, and in one-on-one relationships.The author has been a corporate consultant for over twenty years, with contracts with over 500 corporations, associations and government agencies. He has presented to audiences that have included Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, the Prime Minister of Canada, and worked with CEOs, dignitaries, and government organizations from The Federal Reserve Bank to the International Board of Mastercard. The result of this lifetime of experience - both successes and failures - is distilled within this book.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences


        108 Days of Mindfulness

        by Victor Parachin

        This book presents mindfulness teachings via 108 short insights or meditations. Unlike many books that “tell” about the subject, this one “shows” the reader with teaching stories how to put mindfulness into daily life. Mindfulness is more than stress release, or mental focus. It cannot be separated from the ethical framework of Buddhism. Think Like the Buddha retains this ethical component of Buddhism from which mindfulness is derived. The stories and teachings here cover a wide variety of topics, from divorce, to illness, to losing a job, to determining a course of action. All these meditations are infused with the message of compassion that needs reinforcing day by day. All too often we “forget” to be present. We neglect to be aware when eating, listening, speaking, working, studying, seeing the sunrise and the sunset, being with friends or sipping a cup of tea. As a result, we fail to live our lives to their fullest potential and experience the joy of living.

      • Children's & young adult poetry, anthologies, annuals
        September 2014

        The Magic of Dragons

        For the Young and the Young at Heart

        by Carola Maier, and Jesse Sleeman

        The Magic of Dragons: For the Young and the Young at Heart emerged from Carola's work as a trauma counsellor. After each day's work supporting people suffering from the effects of various traumatic experiences, including victims of crime, and adult survivors of child abuse, she would ground herself, and reconnect with the healing world of imagination, by painting pictures of dragons. Dragons are beings that have enchanted her since her childhood days living in the alpine and magical landscape of southern Bavaria, where her grandmother entranced her with stories about these beautiful creatures. The poems were created by both Carola and her partner Jesse to capture the essence of each of the pictures.

      • Adventure
        January 2014

        Soul Meaning

        Seventeen Book 1

        by AD Starrling

        From the award-winning series Seventeen comes a high-octane, action-packed twist on immortality.'My name is Lucas Soul. Today, I died again. This is my fifteenth death in the last four hundred and fifty years.'Soul is an outcast of the immortal societies. Born of a Bastian mother and a Crovir father, a half breed whose very existence is abhorred by the two races, he spends the first three hundred and fifty years of his life being chased and killed by the Hunters.One fall night in Boston, the Hunt starts again, resulting in Soul's fifteenth death and triggering a chain of events that sends him on the run with Reid Hasley, a former US Marine and his human business partner of ten years. From Paris to Prague, their search for answers will lead them deep into the immortal societies and bring them face to face with someone from Soul's past. Shocking secrets are uncovered and fresh allies come to the fore as they attempt to put a stop to a new and terrifying threat to both immortals and humans.Time is running out for Soul. Can he get to the truth before his seventeenth death, protect the ones he loves and prevent another immortal war?

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