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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2019

        Octopus Woman

        One day in the life of a busy mother

        by Jacques Jabié (Author), Natalia Kudlak (Illustrator)

        The Octopus Woman wakes up early in the morning, puts a stocking on each of her legs, and then her crazy day begins! She needs to get the kids ready for kindergarten and school, feed the parrot and the cat, walk through half the city going to work, spend all day in the office, do a lot of things on her way home, and, in the end, read a bedtime story to the kids… How does she manage to do everything? And how can she do it so well? The secret of Octopus Woman is hidden in this vivid book!    From 3 to 6 years, 300 words Rightsholders: Alex Sharlai,

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Mirrors of Identity. Studies in the History of Concepts and Ideas in Ukraine (16th through the Early 18th Century)

        by Natalia Yakovenko

        A book by a prominent Ukrainian historian, professor of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Natalia Yakovenko includes selected articles on identity formation, worldview, the concept of “correct” power and duty of the nobility in early modern Ukraine

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2009

        An Essay on the History of Ukraine from Ancient Times to the End of 18th Century

        by Natalia Yakovenko

        In her book, Natalia Yakovenko, Doctor of Sciences in History, Professor at NaUKMA (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy), examines the "national-state" paradigm of Ukrainian history and revises inherited methodologies of the bygone age, starting from populist historiography, that still nourish (not to say ‘feed’) our academic historiography.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2020

        And This Maria Painted Beasts

        by Svitlana Taratorina (Author), Natalia Levytska (Illustrator)

        And This Maria Painted Beasts it's an illustrated fiction story based on the biography of famous Ukrainian artist Maria Prymachenko (1909-1997). Іn her childhood Maria was diagnosed with polio, and this painful disease had a huge impact on the girl's life. however, she has colors and a huge desire to draw. Meanwhile, from the dark forest, fantastic beasts are watching Maria. They know her secret, a secret the girl herself does not know yet.   From 6 to 9 years, 5 715 words Rightsholders:

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2007

        Introduction to the history

        by Natalia Yakovenko

        The new book by the well-known Ukrainian historian, chief of the Department of history of National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, professor Natalia Yakovenko, despite being a university textbook and a propaedeutic course on a professional subject, is written in a simple and easy to read manner which is far from academic cliché and embodies high academic style in its best meaning. However, the word 'textbook' even in its most positive meaning applies to this book only as a kind of mask that hides much more complex structure, not only stylistically but by its content and pragmatism as well. As the professor herself admits, this book does not belong to any classic genres. This is not a history of historiography, not a methodology of history and this is not an introduction to history as well.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        Angry Goat

        by Volodymyr Rutkivsky (Author). Natalia Kudlak (Illustrator)

        This cheerful and witty book tells the story of the amazing friendship between the boy Severin and a giant goat, who, perhaps unfairly, was called the Аngry Goat. When Severin came to his grandmother's village for the summer, Goat tried to ram him. But then - quite unexpectedly - he became the boy's best friend. Now Severin is not afraid of Goat anymore. Severin gives to Goat the most delicious carrots from his grandmother's garden, and bends the branches of a maple tree for him, because his new friend likes new leaves so much! In return, Goat pushes Severin and his friend on the swing, and makes them laugh with his antics. And one day he even saved a bird that fell out of the nest... Together with Severin, little readers will learn step by step the secrets of a world that opens up to you if you are not afraid to go outside of Grandma's gate for the first time!   From 6 to 8 years, 13006 words Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko,

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        An Unusual Christmas in the Carpathians

        by Vasyl Karpiuk (Author), Natalia Shmorhun (Illustrator)

        Why is Christmas in the Carpathians the best time of the year? Because then you really feel that you are at home. These are the emotions experienced by the girl Dotska, who comes from Kyiv to the Carpathians for Christmas to celebrate the winter holidays in her mother's family home. This book has everything: Carpathian flavours, family traditions, Christmas carols and nativity scenes, an exciting plot, and most importantly,  true awareness of the holiday of the coming of God! Christ is born to bring love to the world, the first rays of which shine at Christmas in our homes.   From 3 to 8 years, 6406 words Rightsholders:

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        Knot of Fairy Tales

        by Vitaliia Savchenko (Author), Natalia Khmelivska (Illustrator), Stepan Bybyk (Illustrator)

        This collection includes tales about friendship and faith in miracles. It is an ideal reding text for preschool and primary school children.   From 3 to 8 years, 6563 words. Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1991

        Ein Mann und eine Frau

        Aus dem Italienischen von Arianna Giachi

        by Natalia Ginzburg, Arianna Giachi

        Natalia Ginzburg erzählt Geschichten über eine Zeitkrankheit: über den Zerfall familiärer, ehelicher, freundschaftlicher, verwandtschaftlicher Beziehungen. Sie erzählt ohne Pathos und ohne Sentimentalität, unaufwendig und daher um so wirkungsvoller, um so radikaler in ihrem Protest gegen die italienische Gesellschaft mit ihrem Familien-, Mütter- und Kinderkult. »Ein Mann und eine Frau« ist die Geschichte eines Mannes, der im überholten, ermüdenden Rahmen einer Familie lebt und ständig mit dem konfrontiert ist, was hätte sein können: seine einzige echte Beziehung war die zu der Frau, mit der er vor seiner Ehe gelebt hat. Die zweite Erzählung »Borghesia«. »Das Lied vom Bürgertum« erzählt von einer Frau, die mit ihren Katzen lebt, die kommen und gehen, geboren werden und sterben. Und wie in einer Parabel läßt sich das Leben ihrer Katzen auf das ihrer Familie überragen: man kommt, man geht, lebt unverbindlich, beziehungslos wie die Katzen.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        A Tale Of Light

        by Khrystyna Lukashchuk (Author), Khrystyna Lukashchuk (Illustrator)

        This unique picture book is a creation of Khrystyna Lukashchuk, a well-known Ukrainian author and artist recognized as one of the best illustrators of independent Ukraine. From the emergence of Ukraine through its darkest times to its final victory over evil,  A Tale Of Light allows us to find answers to dramatic questions: how can we explain to children why there is a war in their country? Why can not the enemy leave the Ukrainian land in peace? What will help us to defeat the enemy for good? The profound symbolic images that the author recreated will guide the readers along their journey. Ukrainians have been tapping into them for long times to find a source of harmony and internal strength –  they are a powerful source of Light sustained by Ukrainian history, culture, and language. No enemy, however big or conniving, can destroy this Light.   From 3 to 6 years, 719 words Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2019

        At the Ocean

        by Yuriy Nikitinskiy (Author), Marichka Ruban (Illustrator)

        This story is full of a cheeky sense of humor that little readers will adore. In this book they can find funny poems and beautiful watercolor illustrations to give them the feeling of diving in the ocean. This unique and amazing book was created by the famous Ukrainian writer Yuriy Nikitinskiy and by the fabulous illustrator Marichka Ruban.   From 3 to 8 years, 422 words Rightsholders:

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        Children's & YA
        December 2019

        The Middle

        by Richa Jha and Eva Sanchez Gomez

        The Middle is a story of a journey within a journey. A voracious reader, Azma, whose mind is full of questions as she reads, finds that the more books she consumes, the more the whys and hows in them consume her. One night, a torn scrap of paper floats into her room, carrying an incomplete line within its crinkles. She desperately searches for any missing words to complete the lonely phrase but failing at each attempt, she finally turns to writing her own beginning and end.  The pages of The Middle are filled with surreal creatures - formidable, terrifying, looming – and these represent the fears and doubts of a mind struggling to make sense of the worlds captured within those books that only partially satisfy her as a reader. Azma embarks on an incomplete journey, ready to create its origin and end, finally realising the answers to all her impossible questions can only come to her when she writes her own version of the story. It is only then that the haunting creatures begin to soften and harmlessly melt away into themselves. Richa Jha’s lyrical prose and Eva Sanchez Gomez’s breathtaking visual poetry come together to narrate a tale that is both stunning and thought-provoking. For all the restless creative souls out there, The Middle presents an all-familiar trajectory of creating something new.

      • Trusted Partner

        The General History of Chinese Costume

        by Author: Liu Yonghua Illustrator: Liu Yonghua

        The General History of Clothing holds a large time span from the ancient Shang and Zhou Dynasties to the present, and the splendid clothing culture of China appears on the scroll of three meters. The scroll is designed to present on both sides. The front side shows the features of different clothes in different ages with the history of its handcraft, color blending, accessory and military. The back side shows the clothes features of each of china’s 56 nationalities. The Readers can lead the children to appreciate different culture charm and nourish the children’s cultural confident by researching different clothes.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2012

        Warum Liebe weh tut

        Eine soziologische Erklärung

        by Eva Illouz

        Warum tut Liebe weh, jedenfalls gelegentlich? Was fasziniert uns noch heute an Figuren wie Emma Bovary oder den unglücklich Liebenden aus Emily Brontës »Sturmhöhe«? Aber vor allem: Was unterscheidet uns von ihnen? Gibt es einen Unterschied zwischen dem Liebeskummer zu Zeiten Jane Austens und der Art und Weise, wie wir ihn heute erfahren und damit umgehen? Wie fühlt sie sich an, die Liebe in Zeiten des Internet? »Der Kerl ist weg, und Ihre Freundin leidet wie ein Tier. Vielleicht lindert Verstehen den Schmerz? In »Warum Liebe weh tut« erklärt Eva lIIouz klug und erhellend die Liebe in Zeiten des Kapitalismus.« »Brigitte«

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        How Many?

        by Halyna Kyrpa (Author), Olha Havrylova (Illustrator)

        When children first explore the world, they usually ask many questions. You can try finding answers together with them by reading and looking through the picturebook Скільки?/ How many? The book's interesting questions and beautiful illustrations facilitate a friendly and joyful dialogue between adults and little readers. Скільки?/How many? was originally  published as a bilingual picturebook with English and Ukrainian parallel text, which was also helpful for children learning languages.   From 3 to 6 years, 199 words (Ukrainian and English) Rightsholders: Oksana Lushcevska,

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2013


        by Eva Demski

        Der Rheingau ist die Heimat der Großmutter und das Ferienland ihrer Kindheit: Eva Demski kennt die Wiege der Weinromantik von Kindesbeinen an und zeigt uns ihren ganz persönlichen Rheingau: Sie erzählt von Weinbau und Lebenskunst sowie Reiz und Schrecken dieser sagenumwobenen Landschaft. Kulturtragendes Handwerk, Romantik, Dramatik und Naturschauspiel bilden die Bühne für Eva Demskis empfindsames Buch über eine der spannendsten Landschaften Deutschlands. Persönlich, poetisch – ein literarischer Genuss.

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        Children's & YA

        The Swing under the Maple Tree

        by Halyna Tkachuk (Author), Oksana Bula (Illustrator)

        Nina is playing on a swing and looking forward to the summer. However, it turns out that there will be neither flowers in the flowerbeds nor any blue dolphins in the sea this summer. And all because of Nina’s carelessness! There’s no reason to despair, though. With a little bit of effort, and  the help of other characters in this picture book, Nina will not only save the summer, but also achieve something very special. This book and charming illustrations, originally published in bilingual edition (Ukrainian-English) will appeal to both children and their parents.   From 3 to 6 years, 785 words (Ukrainian and English). Rightsholders:

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        Children's & YA


        by Kateryna Mikhalitsyna (Author), Svitlana Balukh (Illustrator)

        Hoverla is the tallest mountain in Ukraine. Many people climb it every year. But what do we know about it? Where does its name come from? Where does the Prut waterfall flow? Why is it so important not to trample down the moutain slopes? The story is told by the mountain itself, and many interesting facts and beautiful illustrations will introduce the readers to the diverse world of Hoverla and its inhabitants. Hoverla shows that everything has its unique voice, even the stones if you know how to listen.   From 5 to 10 years, 820 words Rightsholders: Nargis Gafurova and Anna Tiurina;

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