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        January 1988


        Selbsthilfe für Angehörige von Alkoholkranken

        by Neuendorff, Steffen L; Schiel, Jürgen

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        Children's & YA

        Hamster Humboldt. Small and Steady Wins the Race

        by Meike Betz

        This intrepid hamster plunges into every adventure with full cheeks! Humboldt is a detective, adventurer and – a hamster. His size doesn’t stop him from helping the people of Villy Village out of all sorts of fixes whenever he’s not helping his owner Babs and her daughter Elli in the post office. No problem is too big for him! Only his owner’s money worries leave him flummoxed. But then Babs and Elli win the lottery and are over the moon – until they receive an anonymous postcard. Humboldt’s life is suddenly in dire straits because the unknown blackmailer wants Babs and Elli’s lottery ticket – or he’s going to hurt Humboldt. When the police refuses to get to the bottom of the case, Humboldt decides to take matters into his own paws. He’s keen to put a stop to this lottery villain’s antics! HAMSTER HUMBOLDT. SMALL AND STEADY WINS THE RACE is a detective and adventure story full of animal-entertainment for girls and boys aged 8+.

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        May 2020

        Die Klarheit

        Alkohol, Rausch und die Geschichten der Genesung

        by Leslie Jamison, Kirsten Riesselmann

        Von außen betrachtet mag das Trinken als willentliche Selbstzerstörung erscheinen – für den Alkoholiker ist es so unausweichlich wie der nächste Atemzug. Manchem Künstler, von Raymond Carver über Billie Holiday und David Foster Wallace bis Amy Winehouse, erschien es gar ein Quell der Inspiration. Und auch Leslie Jamison trank, weil sie ihre Mängel verbergen und um jeden Preis besonders sein wollte. Doch dann war das Ausmaß der Selbstzerstörung so groß, dass sie sich Hilfe suchen musste. Und sie erkannte, dass sie erst genesen würde, wenn sie nicht mehr auf ihrer Originalität beharrte. Mitreißend erzählt Leslie Jamison von ihrer Abhängigkeit und dem harten Weg hinaus. Davon, dass die Loslösung vom Alkohol bedeutet, sein Bild von der Welt und von sich selbst radikal zu hinterfragen und zu verändern. Die Klarheit ist eine persönliche und kollektive Geschichte des Trinkens und des nüchternen Lebens – klug, bewegend aufrichtig und von unverhoffter Schönheit.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2024

        Spenserian tracts

        'A Brief Discourse of Ireland' and 'The Supplication of the Blood of the English' from the Munster revolt of 1598

        by Hiram Morgan

        Morgan's study of key texts situating Edmund Spenser and the plantation in Munster in the late 1590s reveals not only a hatred and abiding fear of the Catholic Irish but also disturbing tensions with the state in England including the Queen herself. In doing so, he has combined traditional historical and literary methods with stylometric document testing to reveal the authorship of these controversial contemporary tracts. Overall this insightful book reimagines the English colonial mentality of the period by examining its underbelly of anonymous texts.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2010

        The Emperor's Favourite

        by Siobhan Keenan

        The Emperor's Favourite, which appears in print for the first time, is one of the four anonymous seventeenth-century plays bound in a single volume in the library of the Newdigate family of Arbury Hall, Nuneaton. Tentatively attributed to John Newdigate III (1600-1642), the play uses the story of the rise and fall of Crispinus, favourite of the Emperor Nero, to mount a critique of the influence of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham (1592-1628) at the courts of James I and Charles I. The volume is illustrated with ten color plates from the manuscript and from John Newdigate's 1628 Parliamentary Diary. ;

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        November 2011

        Collections XVI

        by Eugene Giddens

        Collections XVI contains new documentary evidence concerning Luminalia, the anonymous Shrovetide masque of 1638, and theatrical references in the Bridewell Hospital Court of Governors' Minute Books. The volume also includes editions of fragments from an early seventeenth-century adaptation of Plautus' Captivi, held in the archives of New College, Oxford, and the part of Amarath from Harvard University manuscript Thr.10.1. The volume is edited by Eugene Giddens, with contributions from Nadine N. W. Akkerman, William Poole, Abigail Rokison, and Duncan Salkeld. It is part of the Malone Society's ongoing Collections series, which gathers together documents relating to the drama of the period. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2009

        The Trial of Treasure

        By anonymous

        by Peter Happe

        This edition of The Trial of Treasure will be a photographic facsimile of one of the five extant copies of this apparently anonymous play which was printed in 1567 by Thomas Purfoote. It will reproduce the copy at the Harry Ransome Library, Austin, Texas which has an anomaly in the printing not found in the other copies. In considering typographical characteristics of the text the Introduction discusses the place of this play in Purfoote's extensive output. It also addresses the relationship with William Wager's Enough is as Good as a Feast with which it shares some seventy lines, and considers the possibility of common authorship. The text is rich in stage directions and aspects of performance are discussed including the doubling scheme for five players and the role of the Vice which is exemplified here. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2021

        Language and imagination in the Gawain poems

        by J. Anderson

        This major new literary study offers a fresh view of the significance of the famous group of fourteenth-century poems, 'Pearl', 'Cleanness', 'Patience' and 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight'. It is a comprehensive study which puts the poems themselves firmly at its centre, though it is always alert to relevant aspects of their literary and cultural context. John Anderson builds his discussions of the poems' ideas on an examination of the anonymous poet's superb Shakespeare-like language. He finds that the great fourteenth-century struggle, between religious and secular forces for control of men's minds, underlies all the poems. This title is the first in the new Manchester Medieval Literature series, which makes readability a priority. Accordingly, despite its wide range of reference and the radicalism of some of its leading ideas, this book is written in a jargon-free style designed to appeal to specialist, non-specialist and student readers alike.

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        Literary studies: c 1500 to c 1800
        November 2011

        The Humorous Magistrate (Arbury)

        by Edited by Margaret Jane Kidnie

        The Humorous Magistrate is a seventeenth-century satiric comedy extant in two highly distinctive manuscripts. This, the earliest and clearly working draft of the play is bound with three other plays (including The Emperor's Favourite, published by the Malone Society in 2010) in a volume in the library of the Newdigate family of Arbury Hall, Nuneaton, Warwickshire. The second version, showing yet another stage of revision not found in the Arbury manuscript and orientated towards performance, was purchased by the University of Calgary from the English antiquarian Edgar Osborne in 1972. The relationship between the manuscripts was discovered in 2005. The anonymous play has been attributed to John Newdigate III (1600-1642). Like The Emperor's Favourite, it takes aim at the court; its particular object of satire is governmental strategies under the Personal Rule of Charles I. The play appears in print for the first time in these separate editions. The volumes are illustrated with several plates, some provided for comparative purposes.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2017

        Botany, sexuality and women's writing, 1760–1830

        From modest shoot to forward plant

        by Sam George

        In this fascinating study, Samantha George explores the cultivation of the female mind and the feminised discourse of botanical literature in eighteenth-century Britain. In particular, she discusses British women's engagement with the Swedish botanist, Carl Linnaeus, and his unsettling discovery of plant sexuality. Previously ignored primary texts of an extraordinary nature are rescued from obscurity and assigned a proper place in the histories of science, eighteenth-century literature, and women's writing. The result is groundbreaking: the author explores nationality and sexuality debates in relation to botany and charts the appearance of a new literary stereotype, the sexually precocious female botanist. She uncovers an anonymous poem on Linnaean botany, handwritten in the eighteenth century, and subsequently traces the development of a new genre of women's writing - the botanical poem with scientific notes. The book is indispensable reading for all scholars of the eighteenth century, especially those interested in Romantic women's writing, or the relationship between literature and science.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2011

        The Humorous Magistrate (Osborne)

        by Jacqueline Jenkins, Mary Polito

        The Humorous Magistrate is a seventeenth-century satiric comedy extant in two highly distinctive manuscripts. The earliest and clearly working draft of the play is bound with three other plays (including The Emperor's Favourite, published by the Malone Society in 2010) in a volume in the library of the Newdigate family of Arbury Hall, Nuneaton, Warwickshire. This, the second version, showing yet another stage of revision not found in the Arbury manuscript and orientated towards performance, was purchased by the University of Calgary from the English antiquarian Edgar Osborne in 1972. The relationship between the manuscripts was discovered in 2005. The anonymous play has been attributed to John Newdigate III (1600-1642). Like The Emperor's Favourite, it takes aim at the court; its particular object of satire is governmental strategies under the Personal Rule of Charles I. The play appears in print for the first time in these separate editions. The volumes are illustrated with several plates, some provided for comparative purposes. ;

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        January 1981

        Leben des Benvenuto Cellini florentinischen Goldschmieds und Bildhauers von ihm selbst geschrieben, aus dem Italienischen und mit einem Anhange herausgegeben von Johann Wolfgang Goethe

        by Benvenuto Cellini, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Harald Keller

        Johann Wolfgang Goethe, am 28. August 1749 in Frankfurt am Main geboren, absolvierte ein Jurastudium und trat dann in den Regierungsdienst am Hof von Weimar ein. 1773 veröffentlichte er Götz von Berlichingen (anonym) und 1774 Die Leiden des jungen Werthers. Es folgte eine Vielzahl weiterer Veröffentlichungen, zu den berühmtesten zählen Italienische Reise (1816/1817), Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (1798) und Faust (1808). Johann Wolfgang Goethe starb am 22. März 1832 in Weimar. Johann Wolfgang Goethe, am 28. August 1749 in Frankfurt am Main geboren, absolvierte ein Jurastudium und trat dann in den Regierungsdienst am Hof von Weimar ein. 1773 veröffentlichte er Götz von Berlichingen (anonym) und 1774 Die Leiden des jungen Werthers. Es folgte eine Vielzahl weiterer Veröffentlichungen, zu den berühmtesten zählen Italienische Reise (1816/1817), Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (1798) und Faust (1808). Johann Wolfgang Goethe starb am 22. März 1832 in Weimar.

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