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      • Barbour Publishing, Inc.

        Celebrating 40 years, Barbour is committed to our mission to bring readers biblically centered content and the life-changing message of the Bible.

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      • Barbara E. Euler

        Hello, I am the author and publisher of a German police story situated in Bruges. Available in print and as e-book.   Look at the e-book here:   Look at the print and e-book here:

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2016



        by Ann Cotten, Ann Cotten

        Tosende Palmen, ein Rascheln im Sellerie, ein Tiger verschwindet, in der Ferne detoniert eine Atombombe, und das Bewusstsein beginnt, rückwärts zu laufen. Es gehört einer Fernsehmoderatorin, die aufgrund wiederholten Fehlverhaltens auf eine einsame Insel verbannt wurde, ausgestattet nach eigener Wahl mit Messer, Schleifstein und Meyers Konversations-Lexikon. Doch sie ist nicht allein. Hier sind schon fünfundzwanzig Matrosen, die in den Jahren seit ihrem Schiffbruch eine beachtliche kleine Parallelgesellschaft aufgebaut haben, sie heißt Hegelland. Ursprünglich Quäker, hängen sie jetzt der selbsterfundenen Schraubenreligion an und unterhalten in arbeitsamer Kulturleistung drei Pressen von kontinuierlich steigender Druckqualität. Was wird nun angesichts der ersten Frau passieren, und was, wenn mehr kommen? In 399 Neo-Spenser-Strophen schildert Ann Cotten die Turbulenzen, die nach einer weiblichen Flüchtlingswelle aus dem Internet in Hegelland entstehen. Die verschuldeten Prothesenträgerinnen werden unwillentlich zum Katalysator einer schon lange schwelenden Konterrevolution. Mithilfe von Reimen, Anspielungen, synästhetischen Zwängen und großer Anschaulichkeit wird dieser luzide Alptraum auch in Ihr Bewusstsein gehämmert.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2007



        by Ann Cotten

        Mit wenig Assoziationen beschwert; künstlich, neu oder nur vorübergehend im Sprachgebrauch – Fremdwörter scheinen sich für ihre Existenz zu entschuldigen: »Ich erfülle hier nur Begriffsfunktion, habe einen Arbeitsplatz inne, für den es im Moment keinen qualifizierten Deutschen gibt.« Können sie das ernst meinen? Ann Cotten baut sie in die ratternden Denkmaschinen ihrer Gedichte ein: jugendliches Ungestüm im sonettischen Gewand, das klipp und klar Gedachte, die Liebe mit ihren Rückkopplungen. Pete Doherty, Patti Smith und Sappho geistern mit unbekannten DJs und freundlichen Allegorien durch die nächtlichen Verse und wachen am anderen Tag in einem Sprachsubstrat auf, das ihnen ganz fremd vorkommen muß.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2017

        Not Our Day to Die

        by Michael Sullivan

        It was work for Mike Sullivan–a flying job like the ones he'd done most of his life in many parts of the world–ferrying people, medicine, crops, supplies and almost anything else you can think of among the isolated jungle villages of Guatemala. Life in the farming co-ops there was simple, peaceful, and good, based on bedrocks of family, community, and faith.Then the repression began. A failed attempt at a coup had led to continued fighting between rebels and government, though in areas far from the almost-utopian Ixcan region. U.S. military and CIA intervention helped defeat the insurgency, but the social inequalities that had led to the movement remained, and the revolution went underground. The Guatemalan army, searching everywhere for those who opposed it, increased its control over the isolated jungle area. Co-op directors, teachers, catechists, and then anyone suspected of being one of or assisting the guerrillas was selectively "disappeared." The army turned to a scorched-earth policy, killing animals, burning crops, uprooting fruit trees, destroying towns, massacring their people. Throughout the Ixcan, those who survived fled. Some returned to their original mountain villages, others crossed the border into Mexico, and a third group survived for sixteen years hiding in the jungle–men, women, and children. Primeval growth took over the land as the war with the guerrilla movement raged on to encompass the entire nation.When finally peace accords were signed, the people of the Ixcan returned. Homes were rebuilt, land reclaimed, the area thrived again. But sixteen years were lost, along with countless lives. For Mike Sullivan, who had returned there when his help was needed, the story of those years–of how the people of the Ixcan survived, and of the many who didn't–was one that had to be told. In three visits, he conducted the interviews that form this book, talking with the villagers he'd known long before. At first, they spoke hesitantly, then with the flood force of vivid memory, telling of their first arrival at the Ixcan, the lives they'd made, and the years of the repression and worse. Their stories are gripping, fascinating, painful–but most of all, deeply human as we witness their struggle to survive and feel the force of the simple values that ultimately carried them through to a new and better life.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2013

        Der schaudernde Fächer


        by Ann Cotten

        »Ein paar Geliebte hatte ich, die wie Teeschalen waren, in die ich mich jeden Abend vertiefen wollte.« Die das sagt, ist nicht die Sorte Mensch, sich von Rührung beeindrucken zu lassen. Aber der traurige Student im Pierrotkostüm fällt ihr auf. Und als er eines Abends auf der Treppe vor ihr sitzt, nimmt sie ihn mit. Der Hof einer japanischen Universität, ein abgelegenes Dorf in der Ukraine, Berliner Clubs, ein Bus, der sich seinen Weg durch die nächtliche algerische Wüste sucht – das sind nur ein paar der Orte, an denen die Helden dieser Erzählungen unterwegs sind, immer in den einen oder anderen Anblick versunken, immer bereit, vor der Liebe die Flucht zu ergreifen, um der Schönheit selbst ins Gesicht zu sehen. Schwungvoll spannt Ann Cotten einen schillernden Fächer auf – aquarellierte Seegurken auf der einen Seite, auf der anderen Menschen in Liebeswirren. Die Wendigkeit ihrer Lyrik findet sich auch in diesen Erzählungen: Sie sind verspielt und zynisch, offenherzig und doch unwiderstehlich.

      • Children's & YA
        March 1905

        The Crimson Sweater

        by Ralph Henry Barbour

        The story of a schoolboy who proves himself through rugged feats in football and hockey.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        Pippins Tochters Taschentuch


        by Rosmarie Waldrop, Ben Lerner

        Hätten Josef und Frederika Seifert mal besser nicht geheiratet!? Der Ort ist Kitzingen am Main, es sind die späten Zwanziger. Josef ist Kriegsveteran und Lehrer, sehr ins Metaphysische entrückt, Frederika rasend frustrierte Sängerin, rasend frustrierte femme fatale, die, unfähig zu den spirituellen Sublimationen ihres Mannes, bereits wenige Wochen nach der Trauung eine Affäre mit seinem besten Freund beginnt. Ist dieser Seitensprung an allem schuld, was folgen wird? Das fragt – ein halbes Jahrhundert später – Lucy, die älteste Tochter, in Briefen an ihre Schwester (oder ist es ihre Halbschwester?). Hätte ihre Mutter nur ein Machtwort sprechen müssen, was die Musik Richard Wagners angeht, damit sich alles ganz anders entwickelt? Und hat der Umstand, dass Frederikas Liebhaber Jude war, Josefs Faszination für den Nationalsozialismus weiter entfacht? Rosmarie Waldrop hat einen agilen, feinsinnigen und derben Roman geschrieben. Über eine marode Familie im anschwellenden Nationalsozialismus. Über Sehnsüchte, Enttäuschungen und Verrat. Über kleine Ursachen und große Wirkungen. Und über die beharrliche Ambivalenz einer nicht wirklich zu bewältigenden Vergangenheit.

      • Trusted Partner


        Essays in Honor of Stanislav Grof

        by Edited by Sean Kelly, Ph.D. and Richard Tarnas, Ph.D.

        Essays that honor the path-forging lifework of Stani-slav Grof, M.D., Ph.D., the world’s leading researcher in psychedelic-assisted therapy, breath-work, and the exploration of non-ordinary states.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2010

        Naturwissenschaft trifft Religion

        Gegner, Fremde, Partner?

        by Barbour, Ian G.

      • Trusted Partner



        Kelantan is rich in traditional art such as dikir barat, makyung, menora, shadow play, main peteri, bageh and a few others. These arts are among those that have been established for centuries in the state of Kelantan, growing and not only nationally but internationally, for example dikir barat, makyung and shadow play. Even Makyung in 2005, was named as UNESCO's World Intangible Cultural Heritage. The book attempts to explore the art of shadow play through the highlight of the involvement of a mastermind, the now-famous Tok Dalang Che Ann in Kelantan state. The art of ever- refreshing shadow play is a very unique performing art. Using beautifully carved statues, the use of curtains and the effects of shadows, shadow play has been presented for public viewing since time immemorial, as well as famous among local and foreign tourists. The book was produced in conjunction with the launch of the National Cultural Policy or DAKEN (2021) last October that emphasized the importance of art and heritage.

      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit

        Encounters with Living Language

        Surrendering to the Power of Words

        by Christina Donnell, PhD

        A riveting true-life adventure story, this book opens doorways into the hidden depths of human consciousness, revealing pathways to experience our world guided by deep insight. Donnell awakens readers to the intrinsic energy of language, where we can experience its multidimensional transmissions connecting us to the oneness that underlies all Life. Her discoveries, free of spiritual dogma, invites readers to explore how living language impacts dormant places waiting within them to come alive.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2020

        Mary Ann im Herbst

        Die allerneuesten Stadtgeschichten

        by Maupin, Armistead

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2012

        Mary Ann im Herbst

        Die allerneuesten Stadtgeschichten

        by Maupin, Armistead / Deutsch Kellner, Michael

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2013

        Mary Ann im Herbst

        Die allerneuesten Stadtgeschichten

        by Maupin, Armistead / Übersetzt von Kellner, Michael

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Digestion and Nutrition, Third Edition

        by Mary Kinkel, Ph.D. and Robert Sullivan, Ph.D.

        Digestion is the process of taking food and nutrients into the body and making them available for use in all of the body’s processes. The digestive system breaks down food and extracts the important nutrients, eliminating the excess substances that cannot be used. These nutrients provide energy for the body to grow, function, and make repairs to itself. Digestion and Nutrition, Third Edition describes the path that food takes through the system, the organs involved, and how the body uses different types of nutrients, while highlighting the importance of healthy eating and the problems and diseases that can affect the digestive tract. Packed with full-color photographs and illustrations, this absorbing book provides students with sufficient background information through references, websites, and a bibliography.

      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit

        Science, Being, & Becoming

        The Spiritual Lives of Scientists

        by Paul J. Mills, Ph.D.

        Spirituality is the Final Frontier for ScienceContrary to popular belief, not all scientists are materialists fervently discounting the spiritual. Science, Being, & Becoming is about the spiritual lives of scientists, their actual transpersonal, metaphysical and mystical experiences. The book's material is derived from intimate interviews with over 30 scientists as they describe the circumstances under which they had the experiences and how those experiences changed their consciousness, transformed their belief systems about the nature of the world, and changed their scientific work.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Biodiversity, Revised Edition

        Conserving Endangered Species

        by Anne Maczulak, Ph.D.

        Students with a basic understanding of the environment and concern for its future know the importance of preserving biological diversity. Biodiversity is the variety of living things on Earth or in a specific area. This definition seems simple enough to understand, yet the concept of biodiversity has deeper meanings that challenge even trained environmental scientists. A region that has a wide variety of species in robust populations is said to possess biodiversity. But not every place on Earth bursts with diverse life. Biodiversity concentrates in certain areas, while other parts of the globe possess a somewhat lesser variety and number of species. Biodiversity, Revised Edition takes a look at how habitats are destroyed, the devastating effect this has on biodiversity, and the ways in which scientists restore ecosystems and habits. This updated, full-color book also examines the ethical questions that arise when trying to rescue threatened species in the face of dire human conditions. Chapters include: Endangered Species Measuring Species and Extinction Protecting Native from Invasive Species            Urban Development Nature Reserves Species Protection Methods for Measuring Diversity.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Cleaning Up the Environment, Revised Edition

        Hazardous Waste Technology

        by Anne Maczulak, Ph.D.

        Praise for the previous edition: "...valuable...a welcome addition for use in classroom studies and for those considering a career in the field."—School Library Journal The industrial might of the United States grew in the 1930s and flourished during the two world wars. As businesses large and small supplied the needs of the country, they discarded their wastes in landfills, pits, and waterways. It was an easy and inexpensive way to get rid of wastes before more were made. Waste dumping had not yet been linked with illnesses so few people worried about it, especially if the materials were hidden under the ground or in the ocean. Within 20 years of the end of WWII, those wastes began to cause serious health problems. Featuring full-color photographs and line illustrations, Cleaning Up the Environment, Revised Edition explores current and emerging methods in pollution cleanup. Hazardous wastes are removed from contaminated places by physical, chemical, or biological methods, and these methods are described here as well as their advantages and disadvantages. This eBook takes readers through the entire step-by-step process of finding, testing, and cleaning up hazardous waste sites, beginning with contamination assessment and ending with a cleaned and restored body of land or water. Chapters include: Measuring Contamination Excavation of Contaminated Sites Microbes and Plants for Toxic Cleanup Oxidation Technology Brownfield Sites Remediating the Water Supply Superfund Sites.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Conservation, Revised Edition

        Protecting Our Plant Resources

        by Anne Maczulak, Ph.D.

        Conservation refers to the careful and controlled use of natural resources for the purpose of extending the time they are available as well as retaining biodiversity. Conservation does not prevent the loss of plants, trees, land, water, or habitat; it simply slows the rate of degradation of these things. This updated eBook explores aspects of conservation, particularly the conservation of plant life upon which ecosystems are built. Though students with an interest in ecology assume conservation is a worthwhile endeavor in sustaining the environment, conservation has had a rocky history. Conservation, Revised Edition provides an overview of the successes and failures in striving to protect living natural resources that predate humans on their home continents. Chapters include: Forests and the Water Cycle Analyzing Threats to Forests Tropical Forest Preservation Temperate and Boreal Forest Preservation Desertification Saving Riparian Habitats Reducing Wood Waste.

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