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      • Adverbum S.A.R. L.

        Created in 1989, Adverbum is a publishing company with four imprints specialized inhealth, human sciences, sports, cookbooks,lifestyle, religion, typography andgraphic design. Adverbum’s catalogue of 220 titles is enriched by 20 new titles each year, all written by specialists. This eclectic production is meticulous and includes many reference books which have been translated all over the world.

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      • Schmit Jongbloed Advies

        ‘Ärzt*in als Ganzes‘ ist ein inspirierendes Buch für Mediziner aller Altersklassen und Spezialisierungen, die den Sinn in ihrer Arbeit (wieder)finden oder verstärken wollen.

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      • Adventures of the mouse Nedo in Kaliningrad or the quest of the mouse king. Useful Fairy Tales

        by K.Kretova, N. Roman'kova

        Mouse Nedo lives in a library and loves to read and travel. One day he recieved a chance to visit the amazing city of Kaliningrad. And there, little mouse and the girl Arina will take part in faboulus and entertaning advantures! They will collect amber stones, climb the sandy Epha's Height, find forty cats, and dance with trees on the Curonian Spit. How to get to the ancient lighthouse? Is marzipan edible? Who are the Homlins, who fulfill their desires? And most importantly, will it be possible to save the mermaid decorating the spire of the Cathedral? Hurry up and help your friends to solve the riddles of the Mouse King and break his spell! The book for t children of preschool and primary school age

      • March 2019

        The True Story

        of the sad clown Federico, beautiful witch Nadira from Luneburg and the evil gnome Rumpelstiltskin

        by Anton Soya, Oksana Baturina

        A romantic story in Tim Burton style about how two lonely hearts have met. (A modern fairy tale, romantic-ironic teenage horror, 12+) Federico - a small clown, the prince of a travelling freaks’ circus, the one who meets his fifteenth’s birthday in a circus wagon while travelling around the world. His friends are the artists of the Rafinelli Circus: an aged trapeze gymnast Snow White with her inseparable gnomes, a two-headed trainer, vegetarian tigers, a tattooed elephant and a human worm. His strongmen parents are both monsters and clowns. Boom, the owner of circus is a cannibal, and Beam his wife a bearded woman. They love so much their son, but in a very specific way. Federico's life is a never-ending nightmare with continuous falls, since his talent and role are funny unexpected falls in the ring. He would have run away from the parents’ circus a long time ago, but where to hide? Who needs a boy as bald as a knee with a nose like a tomato? Federico had got used to his miserable life, but one day everything changed. In Luneburg, where rickety houses stand on a hill above holes in the rock created by greedy townspeople taking away rock salt, Federico will meet his love: a strange girl Nadira with a pirate bandage over her eye, considered by everyone in the city to be a witch. Nadira will stretch out her hand to Federico calling him her prince. But one by one, like sharp mountain peaks, in the path of their love there grow up barriers that they must overcome together. And it is not only the terrible parents of Federico and the accidental death of Nadira's neighbour for which everyone blamed this strange girl.  Together with other circus artists they must fight in an abandoned cemetery with the dead army of the gnome Rumpelstiltskin, whither destiny has brought our tireless heroes after a terrible accident. There will be a battle, there will be losses (Federico becomes an orphan), and there will be surprises: victory, capture of the main vilain and the magic fulfilment of their desires. And, of course, there will be a fine new circus in Luneburg belonging to  Federico Rafinelli and his… in all respects disastrous speech in Luneburg, during which the "respectable" public will be sent to hell together with their beloved Beam and Boom, summoned by them from hell itself! Are you scared?  Don’t be afraid!  Everything will end well! It’s just a fairy tale, although it's also completely modern.

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