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      • KaleaBook

        We love books about everything and can’t get enough of them. Because books are much more than letters and colours on paper. Books are adventures, experiences and feelings. In books you can find friends, like-minded people or evil villains against whom you can defend yourself. Every time you read a book, a spark of magic jumps over into our “real” life and enriches it. As passionate graphic designers we not only care about stories, but also about the beauty, diversity and creativity of a book. We love to invent new fantasy worlds and to design figures. We also want our stories to make you smile and invite you to immerse yourself in unknown worlds and simply give you pleasure.

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      • Kalem Agency

        Founded in Istanbul, Turkey, Kalem Literary Agency represents numerous renowned Turkish authors among them the most prominent and established assets of contemporary Turkish literature and classical masters. Our search for emerging voices and perseverance to support and nurture newly developing talents goes hand in hand with our respect for the roots of Turkish Literary tradition. The number of the contracts Kalem Literary Agency has made to represent and disseminate Turkish literature abroad in 53 languages has exceeded 2.106 by 2017. Even if our focus is on fiction that ranges from high-quality literary works to commercial titles with mass-market appeal, we also represent non-fiction titles. Besides representing Turkish language rights, Kalem Agency also works as a sub-agent for publishers and literary agencies abroad. Our main objective is to match the right publishers with just the right titles. Kalem Agency organizes the first and only international literary festival in Turkey: Organized in 2009 for the first time, ITEF-Istanbul International Literature Festival creates a space that ensures the cooperation of Turkish authors and publishers with foreign publishers, editors, translators and authors.

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      • Television
        April 2023

        The Big Bang Theory

        Der definitive Insiderbericht zur kultigen TV-Serie

        by Jessica Radloff

        Millionen von Zuschauern auf der ganzen Welt und eine Fangemeinde, die The Big Bang Theory heute noch zelebriert – niemand hätte so einen Riesenerfolg anfangs erahnen können. Die sich stetig entwickelnde Serie über das Leben der beliebten Wissenschafts-Nerds und ihrer Freundin Penny gehört nicht nur zu den lustigsten TV-Formaten aller Zeiten, sondern auch zu den niveauvollsten. Wie wäre es sonst zu erklären, dass Professor Stephen Hawking, Steve Wozniak, Elon Musk und Bill Gates allesamt Gastauftritte absolvierten? Nicht zu vergessen Comic-Ikone Stan Lee und Raumschiff Enterprise-Legende William Shatner.   Die Autorin Jessica Radloff lernte alle Schauspieler während ihrer journalistischen Karriere kennen und entwickelte eine enge Beziehung zu ihnen. Vor zwei Jahren begann sie sowohl die Darsteller von Sheldon, Penny, Leonard, Raj und Howard zu interviewen als auch die der Nebenfiguren und die wichtigsten Mitglieder des Produktionsteams. Aus diesem Fundus von über 120 Stunden intensiver Gespräche kreierte sie eine aufregende und spannende Geschichte der Serie, erzählt von allen Beteiligten. Kultiger geht es nicht!

      • 2020

        Sherlock, Lupin & I

        Last Dance, Mr Holmes

        by Irene M. Adler

        London, 1919 - It’s been fifty years since Sherlock and Lupin last solved a case together. Irene Adler has come back to track down her once inseparable friends, now a great detective and the other a gentleman thief. Irene and her adoptive daughter Mila will bring the trio back together into a world of thrills, intrigue, and breakneck chases.

      • Food & Drink
        October 2022

        The Heart of Cocoa

        500 Years of Chocolate History

        by Napoleone Neri

        The temptation par excellence, that craving that suddenly arises and we cannot fight it unless we satisfy it: the desire for chocolate. Perhaps it is because of this power that it is called the most loved food on the planet. Or perhaps it is because its cultivation, production and consumption - which has been growing strongly in the last 10 years - are spread across all continents. Napoleon Neri tells its story, starting with the plant and its fruit, from the pioneers of chocolate, to the birth of confectionery factories in the 19th century and then the great modern industries. He describes in detail the processing and transformation of cocoa beans, their beneficial properties, the sensory characteristics of the finished product, and spices everything up with a thousand anecdotes and curiosities that only those who have lived and worked in this world for so long can know.

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