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      • Fiction


        by Julie Anderson

        Justice will be done, but what kind of justice? High on the slopes of Mount Parnassus, near the ancient Temple of Apollo, a group of young idealists protest against the despoiling of the planet outside a European governmental conference. Inside, corporate business lobbyists mingle with lawmakers, seeking profit and influence. Then the charismatic leader of the protest goes missing.The next day the body of a local woman is discovered in a temple building, placed like an offering to the old gods. Attending the conference Cassandra Fortune, civil servant, former GCHQ investigator and envoy of the British Prime Minister, is co-opted onto the case by the Professor, a senior Greek politician. She is to work alongside Ministerial Security Chief Iraklidis and local policeman Alex Ganas, who are soon joined by Major Lykaios from regional police headquarters. But the police do not trust each other, each fearing that the others are members of a banned, right-wing organisation, Golden Dawn. And they see no reason to trust Cassie.Only a day later another corpse is found, bloodied and broken, at the foot of the cliffs which tower above the Temple, from which blasphemers once were cast. At the behest of the Professor Cassie and her interpreter, Helena, begin questioning the conference goers and quickly discover that some have their own, hidden agendas and reasons to deceive.As a storm closes in, strange lights are seen on the mountain.Cassie, meanwhile, believes that someone is stalking her, watching her every move. She is followed on the lonely walk to the conference centre at midnight and high above the Corycian Cave, inhabited since the Bronze Age, show signs of more recent occupation. Who is the walker in the mountain mist?When an avalanche isolates the conference centre and all power is cut, preventing communication with the outside world, it is up to Cassie and the others to find the killer. Are primal forces reaching out from the past and will the ancient and brutal Furies claim their blood vengeance? Or will the forces of law discover the key lies in a tangled, modern web of tragedy and guilt as relentless and fatal as in any Greek drama. Like the famously cryptic Oracle of Delphi, Cassandra Fortune must provide answers before the conference ends, or fail in her first mission for the Prime Minister. And Cassie herself has her own furies, or demons, to face.When the characters in the drama transfer to Athens where the public inquiry into the deaths takes place, the stage is set to reveal a story of youthful rebellion, desire and betrayal and there are further surprises in store for Cassie.Oracle is about justice, from the brutal, archaic form of blood vengeance prevalent in early human societies to modern systems of law and jurisprudence, set in the context of a democracy. This is the law and equality under the law which allows democracy to thrive and underpins the freedoms and safeguards for individuals within it. The story is interlinked with Greece's past, as the ancient cradle of democracy and source of many of western ideas of government, but also to its more recent and violent past of military strongmen and authoritarianism in the twentieth century.Oracle also considers, in the form of a crime thriller, the politicisation of the police and the justice system and how that will undermine justice, especially following the banning of Golden Dawn, the now criminal organisation which wrapped itself in the mantle of politics. It touches on the new academic discipline of zemiology, the study of 'crime' through the prism of the harm it does to people, especially those without power.

      • Fiction
        October 2021

        Gott aus Stroh

        by Frank Dommel

        Gott aus Stroh Frank Dommel Kommissar Falk Sebastiani erschießt in der Not drei Attentäter und wird dafür mit fragwürdigem Ruhm und vie Applaus von der falschen Seite bedacht. Er nimmt sich in der norwegischen Finnmark eine Auszeit, doch die Ruhe ist trügerisch: Die Gegend ist Teil einer illegalen Flüchtlingsroute - mit teils daramtischen Folgen. Zudem verdichten sich die Hinweise, dass Falks Tochter Hannah aus Oslo in einen Mordfall involviert ist. Die Suche nach ihr bringt Falk ans Limit. In der unbarmherzigen Wildnis wird er mit einem Gegner konfrontiert, der für Hannahs Taten den ultimativen Preis verlangt: ein Leben für ein Leben. Frank Dommel schreibt mit dem Skalpell - messerscharf beobachtet und gnadenlos ehrlich. In Gott aus Stroh verknüpft er unbequeme gesellschaftspolitische Fakten, feinsinnigen Humor und Fragen nach individueller und politischer Schuld zu einem packenden Kriminalroman. Dreh- und Angelpunkt ist Kommissar Falk Sebastiani, der bei einem Einsatz drei Attentäter erschießt. Halb Held, halb Mörder, sucht er in der Abgeschiedenheit der norwegischen Finnmark Anschluss an sein verpasstes Leben und gerät in ein komplexes Gewirr aus Familiendrama, Flüchtlingsschleusen und organisierter Drogenkriminalität. Wie Dommel aus der Psychologie einer erstarrten, doch beidseitig um einen Neuanfang bemühten Vater-Tochter-Beziehung die Schattenseiten einer zutiefst verunsicherten globalisierten Welt zeigt, ist einzigartig. Zudem verankert er unaufdringlich starkes Lokalkolorit in seinem Plot, in dem sich die Einsamkeit und Kälte des Nordens sowohl in der Stimmung des Romans als auch in der Gemütsverfassung seiner Figuren widerspiegelt. Kopfkino par excellence, das begeistert und lange nachhallt.

      • Fiction

        مقتل الرجل الكبير

        by إبراهيم عيسى

        «ما شاهده السكرتير بمجرد أن فتح باب غرفة الرئيس الداخلية، جعله يدرك أنه لن يفاجأ بعد الآن أبدًا، أو أن المفاجأة ماتت في حياته بعد تلك اللحظة... تأخَّر رئيس الحرس في الوصول إلى غرفة نوم الرئيس عدة دقائق، تأكَّد السكرتير الخاص أنها طالت أكثر من اللازم. كان على رئيس الحرس أن يقف تائهًا غارقًا في ذهوله يسأل بعض حرَّاسه عن الطريق إلى غرفة نوم الرئيس؛ لقد تاه في مكانٍ عمل به كل هذه السنوات من الهول الهائل الذي تلقَّاه. لم تكن مشكلة رئيس الحرس أن الرئيس مات مقتولًا في غرفة نومه؛ حيث مسؤوليته المباشرة عن أمنه، لكنَّ المشكلة الكبرى التي حطَّمت ضلوعه أن الرئيس قد مات. فهو – من بين كثيرين جدًّا في هذا الوطن – قد وصل به الظن حد العقيدة أن الرئيس لن يموت أبدًا». لا تحكي لنا رواية إبراهيم عيسى الشيقة عن مقتل رئيس الجمهورية، بل بذكائه المعهود يروي لنا عن الفترة الأشد إثارة: ماذا حدث بعد مقتل الرئيس؟ كيف سيتصرف رجال الحكومة ورجال السلطة والقوى الخارجية وكل من له مصلحة مهددة في هذا البلد؟ ما الصراعات التي نشأت وكيف حسمت؟ رواية مثيرة وساخرة وموجعة... عن المؤلف إبراهيم عيسى صحفي وروائي مصري من مواليد 1965. بدأ حياته المهنية مع دخوله كلية الإعلام والعمل في مجلة «روز اليوسف». أوقفت الحكومة عددًا من الصحف التي رئس تحريرها، بسبب معارضته لسياساتها، كما صادرت روايته «مقتل الرجل الكبير». حاصل على جائزة جبران تويني من الاتحاد العالمي للصحف عام 2008، وجائزة صحفي العام من اتحاد الصحافة الإنجليزية عام 2010، وجائزة «الجارديان» من منظمة «إنديكس» عام 2011. لاقت رواياته إعجاب القراء وطبعت عدة مرات. وقد اختيرت «مولانا» بالقائمة القصيرة للجائزة العربية للرواية العالمية لعام 2013 وأنتجت كفيلم سينمائي ناجح يعرض حاليًا. وأحدث رواياته، «رحلة الدم»، تتصدر المبيعات وتثير الجدل لمناقشتها العديد من المسلمات في التاريخ الإسلامي.

      • Thriller / suspense
        May 2022

        Poetic Licence

        by Kevin Price

        An explosive political thriller novel pitching people-smuggling, corruption and murder against the boundaries of truth and freedom.   '... ​​a block of shadow pushes against a diffusing moonlight, the golden halo spreads out into the vineyards from its sides and drains into the night like blood on a carpet'   Art Lazaar is a writer with a poetic licence. In short, it secretly puts him in service to a mysterious government agency. As a result, he is assigned to doubling as an academic, but his poetic licence also ties him to a past he can't escape. And when a figure from that same past calls him, he must act. First, to protect a young asylum seeker running from those who murdered her brother. And secondly, to find the murderers. It's not a call he can refuse.   The call as much as guarantees Lazaar stumbles into a murky world of corruption. It leads to threats of arrest, kidnap and torture. As a result, he is left for dead. The situation grows ever more dire as suspects disappear, die, or leave the country in the nick of time. In the end, his choices come down to the only weapon in his arsenal ...   A meticulously crafted political thriller novel.   Poetic Licence's spellbinding and suspenseful plot, with its complex web of characters, thrusts the reader into a world deeply etched in our psyches. It leaves no doubt as to who is to blame and where the responsibility lies. The politics of truth and freedom do not rest easily in this funny, angry and endlessly entertaining novel. Alan Carter and David Whish-Wilson attest to it.   Poetic Licence dives headlong into a  world of political and institutional corruption, exposing the vast gulf between the words and deeds of the powerful, between the lives of the haves and have-nots, and the casual mistreatment of asylum seekers. Written in terse, propulsive prose, Poetic Licence is a clever thriller that won't disappoint. David Whish-Wilson   A vividly-realised Fremantle is the apt setting for this zeitgeisty thriller. Hunter is an original and kick-ass protagonist.Alan Carter   A smart and utterly distinctive slice of Ozzie-noir, set in Fremantle where "evil breeds like the flies on a sheep's arse."

      • Fiction

        The crying Man

        Die Zeit der Vergeltung

        by Jando / Christopher Groß

        Nach dem Tod seiner Familie durch einen rechtsradikalen Attentäter, verschwindet Tom auf einer Hallig in Norddeutschland im Untergrund. Von dort aus operiert er mit Jimmy Blue und China die Einsätze gegen die Hintermänner des verurteilen Mörder seiner Familie. Um nicht erkannt zu werden legt er sich eine Tränenmaske für seine Missionen zu. Schnell wird er zu einem stilisierten Helden der Medien und der Bevölkerung. Sie geben ihn den Namen: „Crying Man“. Nacheinander schaltet er die Gruppe von Neo- Nazis und Reichsbürgern aus und entdeckt dabei, dass die wahren Strippenzieher ganz oben in der Regierung und der Polizei sitzen. Durch den mächtigen Apparat der Regierung kommen sie Toms wahrer Identität immer näher und sein Team gerät selbst in große Gefahr. Wird Tom es schaffen die Machenschaften rechtzeitig aufzuklären, oder steht das Ende des „Crying Man“ bevor?

      • Fiction
        September 2015

        The Man from Hamburg

        The Vatican Conspiracy

        by Heinz-Joachim Simon

        "This story blows up the Vatican ...",  the Hamburg attorney Dieter Prätorius notes, when his friend, the Hamburg investigator Serge Christiansen dictates the Vatikan protocol. Christiansen is on the trail to reveal one of the greatest mystery of the Catholic Church. He is commissioned to find a disappeared Padre, who has dedicated himself to the mission of thwarting the machinations of the Vatican Bank. The man from Hamburg encounters the conspiracy of a fascist secret society, the Mafia and reactionary courier cardinals ... together with the Vatican Bank.   When John Paul I becomes pope, the world hopes for a reformation of the Church. However, he dies in office under mysterious circumstances after only 33 days. The man from Hamburg becomes the feared opponent of the wire-pullers behind the scenes. But the mafia has already sent a killer to Rome. Can Christiansen help justice to victory and unmask the murderer?   A thriller as mysterious and frightening as the catacombs.

      • Fiction
        October 2019



        In the near future, European nations have disappeared, incorporated in the Union, a technocracy divided into four provinces and with the central power in Brussels. The European continent has become a utopian paradise for its citizens, where everyone lives together in peace and freedom, at least on the surface. Meanwhile, a clandestine movement is plotting to overthrow the government or, at least, reveal the dictatorship that hides behind the fake democracy. In Berlin, the capital of the Eastern Province, Governor Angelika März is killed by a sniper just before Christmas. Major Ian Lamm of the Secret Service is among the officers charged with finding the culprit, just among the supporters of the underground movement. The line between oppression and freedom, right and wrong is blurred, in this fictional political thriller.

      • Fiction
        October 2019

        Sealed With A Death

        by James Silvester

        The vaunted Red Mako, the new symbol of Brexit Britain, is about to launch to a fanfare of political grandeur, but not all are convinced it was worth the price. Barely escaping a botched mission with her life, Lucie Musilova is assigned a low profile case to regain her superior's trust. All across the country, women have been disappearing who each have something in common: all are European nationals, and all have been ignored by a disinterested media and a politically restrained police force cut to the bones. When a body is discovered and the case grows ever more personal, Lucie finds herself entwined in the seedy worlds of international defence contracts and government sanctioned prostitution as she fights corruption and far right violence to uncover the truth. But with her mentor injured and assassins on her tail, Lucie must use all her wits to avoid becoming the final seal in a deal for the country s very soul.

      • Thriller / suspense
        September 2020


        by Julie Anderson

        In this thrilling murder mystery power, money and love curdle into a deadly brew that could bring down the Mother of all Parliaments. Work on a London tube line is halted by the discovery of an ancient plague pit and in it, a very recent corpse. A day later another body is found, also in a plague pit. This victim is linked to the Palace of Westminster, where rumours swirl around the Prime Minister and his rivals. As the number of deaths climbs, the media stokes fear. Government assurances are disbelieved. Everyone feels threatened. A disgraced civil servant and a policeman must find the answer before Westminster closes for recess. Time is running out. And it’s not clear what – or who – will survive.  Work on a London tube line is halted by the discovery of an ancient plague pit and in it, a very recent corpse. A day later another body is found, also in a plague pit. This victim is linked to the Palace of Westminster, where rumours swirl around the Prime Minister and his rivals. As the number of deaths climbs, the media stokes fear. Government assurances are disbelieved. Everyone feels threatened. This has to be resolved and fast. A disgraced civil servant and a policeman must find the answer before Westminster closes for recess. Power, money and love curdle into a deadly brew that could bring down the Mother of all Parliaments.

      • Fiction
        April 2018

        Term Limits

        by Steve Powell

        Murder – on a mass scale & a daily basis. Pushed beyond his limits, one man takes on gun control, term limits, and corruption at the highest levels. To break the power of entrenched elites, Greg Hopper leads the nation on a grisly hunt. He’s hunting them. And they’re hunting him. One side will have to blink. And still people keep dying. It’s a thriller from the front pages of our newspapers. It couldn’t be more topical.

      • Crime & mystery
        March 2021

        Not in My Name

        A Democracy and Dissent Mystery

        by Michael Coolwood

        In an alternate 2003, the UK holds a referendum to go to war with Iraq and splits the nation with a 52% to 48% yes vote. A young activist is beaten to death after a demonstration. The police say her murder was random. It wasn't. More activists will be murdered.

      • Political / legal thriller
        March 2018

        Death by Harmony

        by Leon Berger

        Tense, authentic, compelling - a tumultuous 24 hours in Beijing, as witnessed by those involved. Each year, howling winds from the Gobi send desert grit swirling into Beijing which then mixes with the existing pollution, causing fluorescent yellow skies and a toxic, throat-burning smog. On one such day in March, youthful activists decide to gather in Tiananmen Square right outside the Great Hall of the People where the National Congress is in session. They are understandably fearful of what can happen to protesters in China but none could have predicted the unthinkable scenario and far-reaching climax which takes place during that single 24 hour period.

      • Fiction
        March 2015

        Look Closer

        by Rachel Amphlett

        How far would you go to protect a secret? How far would you go to expose a lie? Will Fletcher seems to have it all – perfect job, perfect life. Then in one act of extreme violence, his world is turned upside down. A bungled assassination attempt on a London street uncovers a disturbing conspiracy fuelled by organised crime and political ambition. Now, Will finds himself on the run, pursued by a dangerous enemy who will stop at nothing to protect his employer’s past. The only way to stop the chain of events is to follow a trail of clues that lead to the heart of British politics. With the date for the UK General Election only days away and the killers closing in, Will is running out of time to deliver his own version of vigilante justice and expose the corruption. As the web of lies and deceit unravels, Will knows the answer’s out there. All he has to do is look closer. Everyone has secrets.   Everyone lies.

      • Fiction
        November 2015

        Beyond the Rest of Us

        Tego Arcana Dei Series

        by Andrew Man

        Time-travelling conspiracy thriller explores the current European political climate through the prism of a damaged hero.

      • Crime & mystery
        June 2014

        Moscow Bound

        by Adrian Churchward

        Ekaterina Romanova, the estranged wife of Russia's wealthiest oligarch Konstantin Gravchenko, asks Scott Mitchell, an idealistic young English human rights lawyer who is being intimidated by the authorities, to find the father she's never met. She believes he's been languishing for decades without trial in the Gulag system. Meanwhile, General Pravda of military intelligence, though an advocate of transparency, is determined to protect a covert operation that he's been running for years.   General Pravda hinders Ekaterina and Scott at every turn and lawyer and client are forced to go on the run for a murder they didn't commit. As they descend into the Hades that is the world of international realpolitik Scott is compelled to reconsider his own values, and Pravda's life's work disintegrates, when Scott uncovers a 50 year-old Cold War secret, which both the Russian and US governments are still trying to hide from the public domain.   Moscow Bound is the first book in The Puppet Meisters trilogy, dealing with state abuse of power.

      • Political / legal thriller
        November 2009

        In Death We Trust

        by David Crigman

        David Crigman's third novel in the trilogy finds the beautiful Naomi Nicholas QC appearing with her adversary, the imposing, bullying and brilliant Ronan Cadogan QC who will use every to win his case. When the headless and mutilated body of Ray Millard, a ruthless and feared player in London's underworld is identified by his girlfriend, the suspect has to be Pal Locke who was set up by Millard for a fourteen year stretch. Just one problem - Locke has been certified dead in Mexico. DI Jake Kemper and Det. Danny Rose arrest two suspects, Susan and Phil Vance and charge them with Ray's murder. While they are certain Vance and Locke are the same person the evidence cannot support this. At the trial, before Mr Justice Bellinger, Naomi Nicholas and Ronan Cadogan are retained to defend the accused while effete womanizer Luther Farlow opens for the prosecution. With long standing enmity between the Judge and Cadogan, the electric tension of the court is further heightened as the case twists and turns when the evidence is revealed. The unexpected outcome grips the reader to the very end. The author, a practising QC brings a long experience of criminal cases to this hugely adsorbing and highly intricate courtroom drama.

      • Fiction
        April 2016

        Dangerous Appointment

        by Dennis Kenyon

        Under the obscurity of night, a helicopter lands on the desolate, frozen surface of Lake Michigan. 'What have I done?... What have I bloody well done?' Alistair Craig asks himself, as his dream of a million dollars and a new life is shattered upon the shocking discovery of the identity of his passenger. Thrust at the heart of a terrorist kidnap plot, Craig will need to expertly navigate a heart stopping 1,000-mile flight to the Champagne Princess, a luxury yacht anchored in the Atlantic, as he battles to thwart ISIS & the IRA s plans. Political intrigue, violent action, torture and a fraught romance are masterfully woven together in Dennis Kenyon's first, breath-taking thriller, 'Dangerous Appointment'.

      • Fiction

        Like wild beast

        by Giuse Alemanno

        Oppido Messapico, a small town in deepest Puglia. Costantino Ro chira and his henchmen plan to wipe out the rival mob family, the Sarmenta. It’s all about money and the neighboring Calabrese mob, the ‘Ndrangheta. But the plan works only halfway: by sheer luck the Sarmentas’ only son, Massimo aka Mattanza (Slaughter), a troubled and cruel kid, cheats death, together with his uncles and his cousin Santo. They all leave town on an old Fiat Regata, after clearing the family money and staging their own disappearance. Their trip leads them in the far North of Italy, in Lombardy’s Val Camonica, where an old friend and compatriot, Giovanni Argento, gives them shelter. There, Santo and Mattanza plot their revenge… “Like Wild Beasts” is a tough novel with hard-core nuances, sparing nothing and no one: a Tarantino movie, as told by Giovanni Verga.

      • Thriller / suspense
        February 2016

        Jihadi: A Love Story

        by Yusuf Toropov

        A former intelligence agent stands accused of terrorism, held without charge in a secret overseas prison. His memoir is in the hands of a brilliant but erratic psychologist who has an agenda of her own, and her annotations paint a much darker picture. As the story unravels, we are forced to assess the truth for ourselves, and decide not only what really happened on one fateful overseas assignment but who is the real terrorist. Peopled by a diverse and unforgettable cast of characters, whose reliability as narrators is always questioned, and with a multi-layered plot heaving with unexpected and often shocking developments, Jihadi: A Love Story is an intelligent thriller that asks big questions. Complex, intriguing and intricately woven, this is an astonishing debut that explores the nature of good and evil alongside notions of nationalism, terrorism and fidelity, and, above all, the fragility of the human mind.

      • Thriller / suspense
        May 2017

        Reconciliation For The Dead

        by Paul E Hardisty

        Sequel to the critically acclaimed The Abrupt Physics of Dying and The Evolution of Fear. Vigilante justice-seeker Claremore Straker, fresh from events in Yemen and Cyprus, is back in another gripping, socially conscious thriller. Seeking absolution for the sins of his past he returns to South Africa to recount the shattering events that led to his dishonourable discharge and exile, fifteen years earlier. Exploring true events from one of the most hateful chapters in South Africa's history, Reconciliation for the Dead is a shocking, explosive and gripping thriller.

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