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      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        October 2019

        Nacida Libre

        by Minerva Piquero

        Primera novela de presentadora de televisión Minerva Piquero. Cora necesita reinventarse para salir del pozo en el que se ve inmersa tras la inesperada ruptura con el amor de su vida. El sexo se convertirá en el rito de iniciación hacia su nueva identidad, un mundo desconocido don¬de experimentar, reencontrarse y perdonar. Valentina llega a España huyendo de un oscuro secreto y un pasado traumático; necesita renacer para encontrar su sitio en el mundo. La vida no es fácil para una joven transexual extranjera. Las dos protagonistas de Nacida Libre, aun siendo de mundos tan distintos y alejados, coinciden en un momento crucial para ambas en el que deben recorrer un camino de autoconocimiento dejando atrás la traición y la venganza. Las circunstancias en las que se encuentran hacen que crezca entre ellas una profunda amistad y la fuerza necesaria para entender que, a pesar de todo, ellas nacieron libres.

      • Fiction
        January 2020


        by David Marín

        Appletown, el barri dels lleidatans de Nova York, torna a ser un lloc perillós. La lluita entre els dos clans mafiosos rivals, els Torra i els Vidal, s’ha agreujat. El detectiu Johnny Pelegrí va deixar el barri fa temps, però rebrà un encàrrec que no podrà rebutjar i que el portarà de nou als carrerons foscos d’Appletown, on els gàngsters parlen amb accent lleidatà, el jazz es barreja amb els garrotins i la vida d’un home val el mateix que un plat de caragols a la llauna. I a Lleida, l’aparició d’un cadàver al canal Segarra-Garrigues el dia de la seva inauguració i l’arribada d’una misteriosa poetessa del grup dels Irrefrenables canviaran la vida del jove Marcel Riera, cronista de comarques del diari pobre de la ciutat i indecís aspirant a novel·lista. Appletown és una novel·la que juga en diversos plans de realitat, on res no és el que sembla, on els personatges busquen el seu lloc en el món i on l’escriptor.

      • Fiction



        An improbable love story that becomes an unforgettable tale of redemption, by the author awarded the 2018 National Prize for Narrative that has sold over 130.000 copies in Spain alone In 1954, the young psychiatrist Germán Velázquez arrives at the Ciempozuelos asylum for women in the south of Madrid. He escaped from the Civil War with his father’s help and took shelter with the Goldstein family in Switzerland, where he studied. In the asylum, Germán will meet a patient, the extraordinary Aurora Rodríguez Carballeira, a highly cultured schizophrenic parricide, and her assistant, María, a modest young woman whom she has educated and taught to read. Attracted by María, Germán grows disturbed when she avoids him and refuses to see him alone, and he suspects that she harbors many secrets she can only speak about outside the hospital’s walls. Maria’s humble origins as the granddaughter of the gardener, her years as maid to a powerful family in Madrid, her disenchantment with her first lover, her relationship with Aurora and the nuns, will become clear to readers as they learn in parallel of Germán’s life in Switzerland, where he witnessed the devastation suffered by a Jewish family amid the ravages of the Second World War. Soulmates yearning to flee their respective pasts, Germán and María want a new opportunity. Unfortunately, they come to see they are living in a country on its knees, where every sin is a crime and puritanism and repression provide cover for abuses and vileness of all kinds.

      • Fiction

        El mensaje de Pandora

        Siempre que un dogma cae, un nuevo mundo nace

        by Javier Sierra

        On the day Arys turns eighteen, a large green envelope arrives from Athens. It contains a handwritten letter, filled with drawings and diagrams, that has been sent to her by her aunt. The letter’s tone in some ways feels like a farewell, and in its opening lines her aunt recalls some of her most treasured memories of Arys, including conversations and travels inspired by their shared passion for Greek mythology. Arys’s aunt reveals that over the course of her life she has faced many illnesses and, more importantly, a few pandemics like the one that has recently paralyzed the entire world. In fact, it’s the outbreak of covid-19 that has prompted her to write to her niece. She feels an urgency to do so because Arys represents the future...a future that finds itself sorely threatened. In turning to ancient myths and stories from Classical Greece, this epistolary novel explores various ways of approaching the meaning of life, as well as that of death. These two energies are mutually dependent upon each other, just as light relies on darkness to manifest itself in all its splendor. Arys’s aunt invites her niece to reflect upon the origin of plagues, pandemics, viruses, sickness – by situating them in a place we seldom explore. Pandora's Message is an inspiring text that utilizes simple direct language, akin to that of a fable, to transmit a fundamental, even lyrical, understanding of the fact that the Earth and its evolution are intrinsically related to what happens in the rest of the Universe. And that only from such a point of view will we manage to face the challenges that life presents us. If the letter is read in the heat of the covid-19 pandemic, it will help us to face the "monster," the Pestilence, in a different manner, more openly and optimistically.

      • Fiction

        The Cook of Castamar

        by Fernando Muñez

        La cocinera de Castamar tells the story of an agoraphobic cook, at the house of a Spanish nobleman whose heart she conquers, against all odds. Clara, the main character, lives in her own small universe, the kitchen of Castamar, where the only windows to the outside world are the dishes she cooks with so much passion. But she also is an independent woman, who knows how to read and write and who lives on her own, in a world full of enemies and lies. The Duke of Castamar, on the other hand, is a young widower who lost his beloved wife in an accident, a modern man for his times… The characters of the novel are very beautifully drawn, the setting shows a tremendous amount of research. The recipes grant additional value to the book, inspiring us with lovely descriptions of the kitchen scenery, the smells and the ingredients of the dishes, very much in the style of Laura Esquivel’s Como agua para chocolate. Yet, at the same time, La cocinera de Castamar, with all its mysteries, intrigues and surprising twists, takes a new turn on sagas like Downton Abbe

      • Fiction
        July 2020

        Las batallas silenciadas

        by Nives Muñoz

        MUCHAS VIDAS SE PERDIERON. PERO TAMBI & Eacute; N MUCHAS ALMAS PERMANECERON EN SUSPENSI & Oacute; N ... Verdun, 1916. Cuando comienza la Guerra Mundial, Ir & egrave; ne Curie toma una decisi & oacute; n: estar & aacute; lo m & aacute; s cerca posible del frente. Convencido de que puede ayudar a salvar muchas vidas, pasar & aacute; su & uacute; ltimo aliento ense & ntilde; ando radiolog & iacute; aa cirujanos en hospitales de campa & ntilde; a, gracias a los dispositivos port & aacute; tiles dise & ntilde; ados por su madre, Marie Curie. Pero ella quedarse en Barleduc se convertirá en una lucha para ganarse el respeto de los soldados e incluso del resto del personal de la guardería y el infierno; Y, de repente, estalla la batalla. Alemania bombardea a Verdun, y luego todo será una carrera contra el tiempo para quitar la mayor cantidad de vidas posible de la muerte. Junto con Berthe y Shirley, Ir & egrave; ne se enfrentará al infierno durante la batalla más sangrienta y prolongada de la guerra. Y no solo lucharán por su propia supervivencia. El cielo y la tierra arden ... y están en medio de la batalla. span style = "vertical-align: heredar;"> Llenas de conciencia y feminidad y escritas en una prosa vibrante y literaria, las Batallas silenciadas nos muestran la Batalla de Verdún como nunca antes la hab & iacute; amos visto. Nieves Mu & ntilde; oz describe las vidas de todos los que participaron, porque no solo los soldados estaban todos & iacute ;, y todos podemos verlos y sentirlos: desde las trincheras, en las aldeas, en el aire, en los hospitales de campa & ntilde; a ... Porque como, En cualquier guerra, hubo vencedores y perdedores, pero todos ten & iacute; an un alma, y ​​en esta primera novela Nieves Mu & ntilde; oz abre su propio molde y lo transfiere a sus personajes para darnos un bien eterno: la esperanza. Llenas de conciencia y feminidad y escritas en una prosa vibrante y literaria, las Batallas silenciadas nos muestran la Batalla de Verdún como nunca antes la hab & iacute; amos visto. Nieves Mu & ntilde; oz describe las vidas de todos los que participaron, porque no solo los soldados estaban todos & iacute ;, y todos podemos verlos y sentirlos: desde las trincheras, en las aldeas, en el aire, en los hospitales de campa & ntilde; a ... Porque como, En cualquier guerra, hubo vencedores y perdedores, pero todos ten & iacute; an un alma, y ​​en esta primera novela Nieves Mu & ntilde; oz abre su propio molde y lo transfiere a sus personajes para darnos un bien eterno: la esperanza. Llenas de conciencia y feminidad y escritas en una prosa vibrante y literaria, las Batallas silenciadas nos muestran la Batalla de Verdún como nunca antes la hab & iacute; amos visto. Nieves Mu & ntilde; oz describe las vidas de todos los que participaron, porque no solo los soldados estaban todos & iacute ;, y todos podemos verlos y sentirlos: desde las trincheras, en las aldeas, en el aire, en los hospitales de campa & ntilde; a ... Porque como, En cualquier guerra, hubo vencedores y perdedores, pero todos ten & iacute; an un alma, y ​​en esta primera novela Nieves Mu & ntilde; oz abre su propio molde y lo transfiere a sus personajes para darnos un bien eterno: la esperanza.

      • Fiction
        July 2020

        La playa y el tiempo

        by Ernesto Calabuig

        "Writing is daring, like taking your clothes off on a beach”. This is the start to the first of the short stories that make up this book, the story of a writer who, at the age of forty-seven, decides to stop the inertia and decline of her life and not come back from her summer holiday. The main character of Beijing-Xàtiva, on board of a train, will also find out the almost unfathomable implications of trying to bring the past back. Through this collection we see a whole gallery of diverse characters that share the common denominator of a fight against the frantic pace of time: school teachers, flamenco dancers, old sea men, Japanese engineers, fathers that watch their children grow and drift away, impossible lovers from an old translation academy, high school lovers who lost track of each other, men visited by Greek philosophers and tormented by a dream, French guitarists, voyeurs of other people’s lives… Even Leonard Cohen portrayed in detail during his years in a Buddhist monastery, in silence, away from the stage. “Escribir es un atrevimiento, como quedarse desnuda en una playa”. Así comienza el primero de los relatos que componen este libro, la historia de una escritora que, a sus cuarenta y siete años, decide detener la inercia y el declive de su vida y no regresar de un veraneo. También el protagonista de Pekín-Xàtiva, a bordo de un tren, descubrirá las implicaciones casi fantasmales de intentar recuperar el pasado. Por esta colección desfila toda una galería de variados personajes que comparten el denominador común de afrontar el vértigo del paso del tiempo: maestras infantiles, bailaoras de flamenco, ancianos del mar del Norte, ingenieros japoneses, padres que ven a sus hijos crecer y alejarse, amantes imposibles de una vieja academia de traducciones, amores de instituto a los que se les perdió la pista, hombres visitados por filósofos griegos y atormentados por un sueño, guitarristas franceses, voyeurs de las vidas ajenas… Y hasta el propio Leonard Cohen retratado al detalle en sus años de silencio, apartado de los escenarios en un monasterio budista."

      • Literary Fiction
        April 2018

        Cervantes for goats, Marx for sheep

        by Pablo Santiago Chiquero

        Mateo works as a herdsman of goats and sheep in Abra, a remote village in the province of Córdoba. He is smart and inquisitive, and due to the lack of incentives in his life he suffers from a severe depression. Only Lázaro Esquivel, a newcomer teacher, is able to get him out of his lethargy using an unorthodox therapy, at the same time that the II Republic of Spain is proclaimed. Once recovered, the first goal of the herdsman will be winning back Conchita, his ex-girlfriend. His second goal will be encouraging reading to get the village of Abra out of its ancient lack of culture. He will try to achieve this with a false veterinary experiment between goats and sheep that will put the whole village to read Cervantes’ Quixote and Marx’s Capital. The novel, set in the rural Andalusia at the beginnings of the 30s, suggests the possibility of a total metamorphosis of society through knowledge and the change of moral values as consequence. More than a rural comedy, Cervantes is for goats, Marx is for sheep is a fable about the love of books, the faith in classic authors and the transformative power of reading.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        As Long As We Could

        by Pablo Herrán

        Eve Friedman is an eighty-three years old playwright who lives alone in a messy apartment in Manhattan. Her childhood memories that come into her mind in the swimming pool, the night conversations with the building manager and the chicken thighs on sale at the supermarket are enough to make her happy. However, when she meets Jorge, a young foreigner who recently moved to New York to work as a screenwriter, her life started to reel. Through this relationship, Eve will discover another kind of loneliness, one caused by a disease that is disarming her most powerful weapon: words.

      • Fiction
        March 2020

        La cólera (Rage)

        by Santiago García and Javier Olivares

        A new work by the authors of Las Meninas (Fantagraphics, Futuropolis), winner of the prestigious Spanish National Comic Award 2015. Two armies are fighting at the gates of Troy. On the one hand, the city’s defenders, commanded by Hector. On the other hand, the Greek Alliance, leaded by Agamemnon. Tired and sick of the battle, the Greek band has to face a big crisis : Agamemnon offended Achilles, his main warrior. Achilles fits of rage and decides to retire their soldiers. No one is able to make him change of mind. Achille’s anger is inflexible. This is the story that Homer told, a story of anger and rage, the first story of European Civilization. La cólera is not an adaptation of the Iliad, nor even a version of it. But it takes the Iliad as a point of departure. La cólera is not a historical book, but rather a fantasy that deals with the contemporary political reality in mythological terms. In a certain way, it can be understood as the poetic-mythic formulation that gives way to questions like What is Europe? Where does the idea of Europe come from and where is it headed?

      • Fiction
        May 2019


        En tierras de Urantia

        by Díaz Latorre, José Ignacio

        Are you ready to read the story of the second coming of Christ in full s. XXI? Do you want to know first-hand who he was, what he did and with whom? Do you know that this time she was a woman and that her mothers were lesbians?Get ready to explode your neurons with this groundbreaking, entertaining, and surprising novel, set in real settings in Spain (Valencia, Madrid, Barcelona) and Europe.Action, adventure, travel, sex, technology, chases, magical scenarios, extraterrestrial beings ...You have before you a new modern and daring thriller that will make you reflect on reality.

      • Fiction
        February 2020


        by Eloy Moreno

        The problem of finding the truth is not knowing what to do with it. A story that will change the way we see the world. A bestselling author who touches the most sensitive nerves.  A group of people live together in a nameless place. Why are they there? How did they get there? And above all, who are they? Or who have they become? We know nothing about them. Just what their actions tell us. In a lawless world, where everything that made up society has disappeared, what is left of us? A story full of unknowns, of big questions about the world we live our lives in, that asks us if the things we think are important really are. The author’s major themes are feelings, absurdity, society, and the importance of following our dreams.

      • Fiction
        March 2020

        small red women

        by Marta Sanz

        A novel about the dead and the disappeared, for whom the search still endures, and against a far-right that has never left and turned into a universal threat. A noir novel that prolongs the possibility of the political novel. Paula Quiñones arrives in Azafrán as a volunteer to help locate civil war mass graves. Little by little, she integrates herself into the community and gets to know its power dynamics, governed by a family whose patriarch has just turned one hundred years old. The story becomes obscured, and the village becomes a threatening space in which Paula’s discoveries begin to put her in danger. Who were the dead that Paula is looking for? Who do the voices, that chase her like a tragic chorus of kids and women, belong to? A novel about economic and cultural violence, and about violence against women, that dissects accounts of memory. «Sanz has few possible competitors in her generation. If someone is called to remain in posterity, it’s her (…) She has talent, brightness, and nerve. It's literature in its pure state (…) With each narration that carries her signature, the miracle of good literature is produced» (Ángeles López, La Razón). «small red women—like so, in lowercase—is a subversive game that becomes a homage. The story of Paula, a middle aged inspector who arrives in the imagined location of Azafrán to work on a project of historical memory (…) The far-right’s boom in Spain and around the world has given this story an unexpected urgency. Or maybe not so unexpected (…) The novel takes from many genres and at the same time transcends them, manipulates them. But, like the previous two parts of the trilogy, it bathes in the noir and plays with it» (Juan Carlos Galindo, El País).

      • Crime & mystery
        July 2018

        Donde lloran los demonios

        by Martí Martínez, Pedro

        Inspector Cesar Giralt enjoys a period of happiness previously denied to him since the brutal murder of his sister by the criminal known as the locker seven years before. However, when life shows him its nicer side, the shadow of his worst fears comes back to Barcelona together with the coldest winter that the city has experienced for several years. The body of another dead girl reaches the same beach where, years before, had appeared, in the same circumstances, one of the locker's victims.   El inspector César Giralt disfruta de una felicidad que le había sido negada desde el cruel asesinato de su hermana a manos del encerrador siete años atrás. Pero cuando la vida por fin le muestra su lado más amable, la sombra de sus peores miedos regresa a Barcelona de la mano del invierno más frío de los últimos años. El cadáver de una chica llega a la misma playa en la que apareció, en idénticas circunstancias, una de las víctimas del Encerrador. ¿Es posible que se trate de un imitador? ¿O acaso el asesino de Eva ha vuelto de entre los muertos? Ayudado por su equipo, el inspector Giralt emprenderá una última travesía por los recovecos de su pasado para descubrir qué tipo de persona es en realidad antes de afrontar un último baile con el mismísimo diablo.

      • Fiction
        January 2023 - October 2028

        Mom doesn´t know yet

        by Blanca Baltés

        Four daughters grow up. Mom protects. Or try. The little girl observes, asks herself questions, counts silences. News after news, scare after upset, the intrigue makes its way in bites. Dizzying story composed as a mosaic, with agile episodes that mix the comic and the tragic, as in life. Mom asks few questions and keeps many silences. But life goes on, life doesn't wait. Mama Doesn't Know It Yet is the first narrative work by Blanca Baltés. Her dramatic writing covers various genres and styles (children's, comedy, dance-theater, document theater...). She has covered El amor aluso, by Antonio de Solís (Corral de Comedias de Almagro, 2002) and Casandra, by Benito Pérez Galdós (Teatro Español de Madrid, 2020). Added to these works are original works such as Half-Over Oracle (Sala Triángulo in Madrid, 2003) or Beatriz Galindo in Stockholm (Sala de la Princesa, CDN, 2018). Unpublished remains Doors Out (below the words), selected in the Creation Aid program of the Community of Madrid (2008).   The novel narrates the life of a Spanish woman, her four daughters and her mother, her grandmother. In some way it tells the intrahistory of a part of Spanish women during the second half of the 20th century. It is a familiar and everyday story, in which europeans who are now over 40 can recognize themselves, but at the same time surprising, with unexpected twists from beginning to end.

      • Fiction
        September 2023 - September 2028

        The universe of U feeeling experience

        by José Ángel Mañas

        Tense futuristic stories, yet hauntingly realistic, with an edge of psychological unease reminiscent of Allan Poe   The author of “Stories from the Kronen” José Ángel Mañas returns with a disturbing and iconoclastic new adventure called The U Feeling Experience with the creation of a body-swapping experience that aims to achieve universal empathy.   A world entertainment company born in Silicon Valley arrives in the capital convinced that with its technology they can bring irreconcilable enemies closer together: goodbye to the gender war, goodbye to the class war, goodbye to xenophobia. With U feeling, psychological therapies will be achieved with results never seen before.   An intriguing series in which each book tells a different story with new protagonists, although it has a fixed universe, the environment that is always maintained and that unifies the series is the "Exchange Department", an office of the National Police that oversees resolving the cases derived from the problems of exchange of bodies.   Based on dystopias that shows a conflict at the beginning, the reader begins to resolve the conflict in his head, but nevertheless behind each story there is a complex framework, a different solution to what appears to be at first, an inevitable tension seizes you and you're dying to know what's going on. In the end everything becomes clear, but the suspense and intrigue have stayed inside you. So far, Alt autores publishing house has published three books:     Book 1. The story of Momar   What happens when a desperate immigrant and a wealthy man from the capital decide to swap bodies?   Book 2. Gabri the glutton   Is it legal for a child and a parent to swap bodies? The moral and legal dilemmas caused by this new fashion of body swapping have only just begun. Book 3. The price of meat It tells the story of Julius, a big and robust man, an insatiable carnivore, and his wife Ayra, the love of his life, a militant vegetarian who asks him to give up meat.

      • Fiction

        Les particuliers de Tanger

        by Santiago de Luca

        Il existe différents mythes sur la fondation de Tanger. L’auteur de ce libre vient les briser et le réinventer, se risquant une nouvelle légende qui découvre que, à diverses époques de notre passé, pas toujours très inclusives, ceux qu’on appelle ici ‘particuliers’ ont été mis dans un bateau et relâchés vers leur sort dans les eaux de la mer. Il n’est pas difficile d’imaginer qu’un de ces bateaux qui transportaient tant de singularités ait fait naufrage et ait réussi à rejoindre Tanger, établissant ainsi une lignée et une sorte d’attraction magnétique de la Ville Blanche pour tous ceux qui vivent en dehors des tendances les plus courants.    De la rigueur du style qui ne manque pas d’ironie, Santiago De Luca, sans rechercher la vérité absolue mais plutôt la partie la plus profonde de l’être humain, a créé son propre genre, où chaque histoire racontée est un personnage et le décor dans lequel une singularité se déroule. Avec toute la complicité qu’il éprouve pour les ‘particuliers’, puisqu’il se sent comme l’un d’entre eux, il invite le lecteur à se plonger dans cette mer de personnages: le paresseux, le faux espión, le proche, le porteur de gilet…, sachant qu’ils seront eux.mêmes les personnages, ceux qui placeront finalment le lecteur devant un miroir. Santiago De Luca (Santa Fe, Argentine) est le directeur de la publication littéraire SureS et le responsable de l’espace argentino-maghrébin Jorge Luis Borges, chargé des représentations diplomatiques de la région. Docteur en philologie de l’Université Complutense de Madrid, il a enseigné la littérature dans des universités du Moyen-Orient, d’Afrique, d’Europe et d’Amérique latine. Au cours de sa carrière d’écrivain, il a publié des romans, des essais, des nouvelles et de la poésie.

      • Fiction
        September 2021

        Mia Fantasia. Quina amiga més estranya! | What a Strange Friend!

        by Elisenda Roca

        Keep 7-year-old spell-loving readers interested in books with Mía… and her non-stop talking pet friends! Mía Fantasía series is about friendship, family, girl-power, love for animals and living together. Based on the framework of fantasy, adventure and mystery genres, the stories are full of humour and positive thinking. Chapters are kept small to read one or two a night and the story is easy to follow even for younger kids. Readers will enjoy the full colour, expressive and charming illustrations by Betowers that accompany the entertaining stories of Mía, the little witch. In the first issue, Fantasía family life is about to change with the arrival of the new neighbours. The Square House family moves in across the dirt road. Robert and Dora’s house is very modern, minimal and functional. They love to keep their life organized, in order, without unpredictable twists and turns. And so does their daughter Lía until she meets Mía. When Lía enters Mía’s world, she finds out the true magic of colours and happiness and discovers that magic does exist. Who would have said that Mía’s super-confident, daring and adventurous character would pair perfectly with Lia’s logical, fearful one. From then onwards, they become best friends! Click to sing Mía's song!

      • Literary Fiction
        May 2021

        Outside of time

        by Silvia Bardelás

        "Destiempo is a song to the fight for internal revolutions and the desire to free ourselves from the vital ropes that bind us." - Armando Requeixo. Diario cultural. Radio Galega   Destiempo illuminates the we as the truly human space. An older woman asks her grandson to come back to Galicia from the United States to spend the summer with her. She wants him to attend a kind of social fight that she is carrying out with her friends. They look for action as the only thing that can give meaning to their lives. Silvia Bardelás mixes different generations that share the same problem: the weight of a standardized world, full of discourses, oblivious to vitality. The possibility of feeling alive and real again makes everything move in an unstoppable way. The story is a coming and going of past and present, of ideas and actions that reveal the silent social power and the inner need to feel free. Destiempo (Outside of time) is a community novel. Beyond individuality, beyond the group is the we, which can only emerge genuinely when individuals become singular beings, when they become aware of the myths, the ideology, the discourses that have dominated their lives and those of their ancestors.   The narrator puts the focus on the interrelation. He lights up scenes where the characters discover themselves through others.

      • Fiction
        March 2019

        And they say

        by Susana Sánchez Aríns

        Dicen (And they say) is a family story crossed by Franco's repression.   It tells what is not registered in notarial acts, or in newspapers, or in books, or in provincial archives. It tells a story of a day-to-day silence that became long, very long, and that has conditioned us until now.   Dicen tells real events in a network of voices silenced for generations, it is not written from the political reflection, but from the poetic justice, it is the contemporary account of the Spanish postwar period.   Dicen is an innovative book. It is not poetry, it is not an essay, it is not a short narrative and it is everything at the same time. Written in short sequences, it collects the intimate memory of a family and reconstructs their insignificant lives to show the terror of repression after the civil war. Conversations, poems, stories, essay references, fragmented sequences that the reader orders in a shocking story.   The narration drags the reader to the end by the rhythm, the different voices, the authenticity and the gradual understanding of why that time is silenced.   The author speaks of poetic justice as a way of giving life to those who did not want to be named after their death: the oppressors. This story recovers their names, their ways of acting, their personalities, their power. And it also brings back to life those who died in the ditches or lived marginalized: the victims.   It is very difficult to make historical memory from politics, however, literature is its natural space. An original work, with enormous expressive force and a unique point of view discovered by Susana Sánchez Aríns, an experienced, committed voice.   The book has received the Madrid Booksellers Award for Best Fiction Book 2019. (Premio de los Libreros de Madrid al Mejor Libro de Ficción)

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